19 Eleint 2054 EY

My Old Friend

by Cassiapea Halkias

It was strange for me to see Sir Sternrick again. He is so different at his home than he was in Forwaith, but I guess all people are different when not at war, even men. I had so hoped he would have been able to find a healer that could heal his leg, but if there is not a priestess that can do it in this place there may not really be any hope. I would pay for it, if it could be done, even if it took all my gold for the rest of my life. It is all my fault. I should have been faster. I should have seen that damn thing coming, but I was caught off guard like a man on his wedding night. I never thought that a man could be as brave as Sternrick. I have to wonder, if he had not been there, if he had not put himself between me and that…abomination, if it had killed me, would I have been able to come back again? I have felt death, just as our foremothers commanded. It is no stranger. Death is an old friend. But isn’t twice enough? Maybe Alexia and Phirene were right to stay in Gyneria’s womb instead of coming back. I miss them.

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  1. My Old Friend
    19 Eleint 2054 EY
  2. Kingston, Wardelia
    7th Flamerule, 2054 EY