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Sun 20th Jun 2021 06:23

Transforming from Human to Kytos Sarie

by Willow Windstrum

Being a Sarie of the Kytos variety, I'm finding my new coloration somewhat strange. I am paler than I once was, and I worry about the effects of direct sunlight even moreso now. My hair is also very pale almost pink where it was formerly a light brown. It might also be finer. Certainly it's harder to notice on my body, but I feel that I will keep shaving simply because it is what I'm used to. My eyes are now scarlet, which combined with the lighter skin and hair makes me wonder if I'm an albino now. Is this coloration usual for Kytos Sarie, or am I going to be considered striking and odd? Moreso than my personality would have me already be. As for the rest of my body, I have noticed little further coloration changes. My nails continue to be translucent, my lips remain a pale vaguely pink color. I haven't tried tanning yet, but I assume that if I will tan I will notice it in short time. Teeth, tongue, and mouth all seem the same.
Also brushing my hair is extremely annoying now. The horns are placed oddly and I cannot imagine they would be easy to use in a fight. Perhaps it's dimorphism in that my horns might not serve a purpose on a female and that males might have them more prominently or more forward-facing.
Likewise my pointed ears don't seem any more sensitive than my formerly-rounded ears. I should say sensitive to auditory input. They are slightly more sensitive to touch, but it's hard to picture that being useful at all. I haven't experimented yet much with increased rubbing of them. There might be something erogenous that I didn't pick up on with my initial inspection.
I'm finding I don't mind the tail. It seems to serve no purpose, but it's at least novel and interesting to have. Perhaps it has something like glands on it or the hairs pick up pheromones so that a female like myself might attract a mate during ovulation? Uncertain, but I suppose I'll have to devise a way to experiment with that.
There seems to be nothing else different that I have noticed. If I do find behavioral or physiological changes to myself in the future, I will document them here.

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  1. Transforming from Human to Kytos Sarie
  2. On Traveling