Quintidi, Messidor, décade 29, MMCCCV (3701 AM)
Sergeant-Vanguard Frances Graf
We turned in Deorgria to the local herbalist upon returning to the village. Payment was received, the contract ended, and signatures filled. The trickster got his 75 oranges to add to his existing infinite amount of them. The captain directed us to herr ealdorman Farriver, who gave us some information about the sign by the forest, which will take us to Zarastil. It is written in Deep Speech, and Dormaruk recognised a name in it. Of a mind-affecting creature, which somewhat connects to how the bugbear behaved earlier. It is a surprising development on Dormaruk's end. Owlbears were a novelty, but not this? Perhaps there can be a mutual exchange of information - it would increase our group's tactical readiness. Regardless, most of the day was spent at the local inn, the Raging Bull. Since the innkeeper Marion did not have Zimean beer in stock - probably never having - I brewed some. It turned out popular, so I brewed more. And so it went, since both Dormaruk and the trickster drew people in. I became a barmaid. At least I set a proper price for the ale, and I got to share in the profits. And Marion is decent. The Headsmasher managed to recall his encounter with the local blacksmith, and they had a date. It went well. He even barked an order at me, to make them food. If only that sudden determination of his could be directed towards battle! Also, I still reserve judgment about his introduction to Klara - how is a divorce attractive? I will not be using that kind of défaitisme as an inspiration.
The tailor awoke during the day. She is in a stable condition, and she could not remember much, though she does seem to suffer from memory lapses. Dormaruk managed to get some information pertaining to his old crew from her, though why he insisted on speaking in Elvish to her is beyond me. I will not rule out that she may be exposed to whatever the bugbear was under the influence of, and talked shortly to the herbalist about what we saw before.
There is nothing recreative in Amarley, so I took a walk in the nearby outskirts. It was calm, nothing like the constant noise around the cities of Frankonia or the familiar songs and marching of the 3rd Crimson Dragons. Upon returning I requisitioned a healer's kit. I do not see the others taking up the role of a medic any time soon. Especially not the trickster. We played dragonchess and Seule during the afternoon and evening. I lost most of the games. After that streak I spoke to him about the utility of using a pavise shield as cover. He did not laugh it off entirely, but seems to think of himself as immortal. Must be why he hid in the bushes during our standoff with the goblin warband. Supreme arrogance! Perhaps he simply wants to agitate me. So far it has worked, but only because he makes little distinction in attitude between "fooling around " and "we are in mortal danger."
This was our last day in this village, and in the morning I have to retrieve the Headsmasher from Klara's house. Then we head for Zarastil.