The Journal Entry’s title by Kael "Talon" | World Anvil

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Sun 2nd Jun 2024 01:57

The Journal Entry’s title

by Kael "Talon" Hawthorne

I followed a member of the Clergy to a tavern called The Brine Bucket. Jarret shows up. We go to a safe house of Jarret and meet Layaran "Nixi" Nix a siamese tabaxi brought a special staff of power.
Zyl Earth Genasi female. Looks more humanlike than most. grey skinned with red eyes. red robes and a staff.
Thalen Duskmantle is my first target.
Vax is in trouble.
In Ravenwood.
Ravenwood tree. a great old tree is the center of the village.
The temple of Releous.
The Clergy ruined everything in Ravenwood after Kael left.
Jarret is going to Fostenbard, where the dwarves are.
Deacon Layra Wendell
In the office.
poison needle
small box of 200 platinum
silver ring with purple gem
leather bengle with a blue gem (Wrist pocket 5lbs (mini bag of holding))

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