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15th of Flamerule 6 AD

My Rise to Power Awaits

by Lord Jaroslav Winterfist

Entry 1:
My Journey Begins and its the first time I've truly left home out on my own. My Little Sister Anastasia annoyingly kept hounding me like those damn peasants for a tiny scrap of meat, all so I write in this journal like a Gloomy school girl hoping her dismal life could come to an end. She thinks I don't know that she just wants to read my journal entries when I finally come home a triumphant hero. She was already bugging me before I left to send letters to her on my journey. She knows I have a weakness for her, little brat. I will miss her though and the rest of my family. The State I'm leaving it in is horrible and we are slowly losing are ability to live. Them damn gods will feel my wrath and the wrath of every Winterfist to have ever lived. They will know that there is a price to be payed for crossing a Winterfist, even a god will face it.
Entry 2:
The Further done south I go the warmer it gets. I'm sweating like one of the peasant boys when we inspected there home for gold unpaid. I hate it! And ALL THESE DAMN PEASANTS THINK THERE EQUAL TO ME!!!!!! One of them the other day thought he could place his hand on me so I snapped his arm in half. Don't they know who I am, that I'm Superior to them. I'm Sickened by these Peasants and I'm starting to lose my patience, which might I add I have been very patient.

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  1. My Rise to Power Awaits
    15th of Flamerule 6 AD
  2. Letters To Father