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A day in the life of Hannah (pre-gang)

by Hannah Marie Jackson

Her eyes shot open, immediately knowing. The only reason she was ever awake at this hour. Hannah looked at her phone, and sure enough. Incoming call. The Horseshoe. She sighed and answered the phone.
"What happened?" She spoke, the feeling of dread swelling in the pit of her stomach.
"Nothing, I'm just trying to close up. Figured I'd call you before I called the cops." The voice on the phone spoke. Annoyed.
The feeling was mutual.
"I'll be right there." She groaned before hanging up.
She sat up and bent down to pull on the sneakers she set by her bed. She grabbed the hoodie she left on the chair. Keys and wallet on the nightstand. For as often as these events happened, she started laying out everything she would need for a quick exit.
As she left the house, the warm Oklahoma humidity hit her. She pulled her mostly-for-modesty hoodie sleeves up and got into her car. Even though her brain was on autopilot from so much repetition, each tired motion was an ache. Each turn of the steering wheel added dread to her gut. The sky was an early morning deep blue, promising a sunny day.
A sunny hangover full day.
Finally, The Horseshoe's tacky neon sign came into view. She remembered back when the optimist in her remarked how close the bar was. It almost like it was in walking distance and you definitely didn't need a license to get there.
As she pulled up to the bar, she could see the woman in question. The messy brown hair. Hazed bloodshot look in her eyes. The jolly figure swaying back and forth in her seat.
Hannah got out of the car and circled to the other side. "Can you walk?"
The woman let out a laugh. "Maybe an hour ago~!" She continued to laugh.
Hannah let out a grunt before opening the passenger side door of her car. "Come on, Mom. We're going home."
"Oh, my Han-nay Fan-nay!" She continued to laugh at her own dumb joke before stumbling over to the hood of the car, leaning on it. "You're such a good girl, what would mommy do without you~?"
Hannah couldn't stop the groan of annoyance. "Probably die. Get in the car. I have to work in three hours."
The woman then looked at Hannah with a wounded look. "Hannah, don't be so mean to your mother! It's your job to take care of me."
Hannah walked over and pulled her mother up by the arms. As she pulled her mother up she grunted. "No, my JOB is soul-sucking retail that starts in three hours! Get. In. The. Car!" She stated as she finally pushed her mother in with a good shove. She pulled her legs up into the car and quickly slammed the door closed before she could try for an escape.
She finally got behind the wheel of her car to see her mother quietly sobbing. She let out a sigh with the childish guilt welling in her chest. "What's wrong?"
Her mother quibbled and finally exclaimed, "You HATE me!!"
Hannah just sighed and started the car to home. "I don't enjoy you at this particular moment, no!" Hannah gritted her teeth as her mother continued to wail the same apologies and excuses she heard a million times before.
In what felt like an eternal car ride that was only a few blocks, she pulled up to the run-down house her and her mother lived in. A broken fridge was being used as a planter, beer cans seemed tucked away in odd places, and the grass was spotty.
It was never comforting to see. Hannah didn't feel comfortable until she was in her room with a locked and bolted door.
Hannah barely struggled in walking her mother inside the house and throwing her to the couch. Almost immediately, her mother was snoring deeply. Hannah threw a blanket over her and left her with the standard water and bottle of aspirin. She quickly made her way back to her room before she could wake up. She locked her door, twice, before sliding down the door and pulling out her phone. She had received a dozen new Snapchats from Jenny in the night. She clicked on Jenny's face and almost a dozen different pictures of her packing had been posted throughout the night. She must have taken a selfie with every single thing she's taking to Westcroft. She smiled. opening her DMs and typing out a message.
"Have fun in Westcroft! I hope I can finally visit you one day! :)"

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  1. A day in the life of Hannah (pre-gang)