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9th of Nigthal

Session 63 Notes

by Sáraphina

King has provided a master gunner for the air ship crew,
Luwella Ashbow - Master gunner
Oravim Windheart,
Alok – the young half blood boy who had a neglectful abusive father, he is a ward of the state and got stationed on the boat
Lulu had been stationed at the oswana border at Dred Gottoth stronghold
Her father is MIA after a mission scouting into Oswana, The Blight is traveling closer to the border. Refugees fleeing for the river border have stories of the high saint.
the dwarvan king has admitted that there is currently a war against the empire troops over the border
Long Rest - Nightal 9th
The ‘Blight’ is headed towards Weldstone a trading post on the border of oswana and Etros, about a day by airship
Zygan is estimated to be 3-4 days out of the town herself
Apothecary managed 11 Nuro-Phan potions,
8 potions of poison resistance and some healing potions were distributed among the party
Christened boat at Stars Shadow Headed for Weldstone

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  1. Session 63 Notes
    9th of Nigthal