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Mon 6th Nov 2023 11:39

Journal entry 2 - from the dark and mouldy Axeholm barracks

by Arakhor Requess

In what little sleep I got here - amongst the snoring of the dwarf and the distant snarls of ghouls still roaming these halls - I went into what I can only describe as a trance.
I saw him - Bogbeard. He came to me in my dreams. He looked just like the carvings in the trees at home. He was incorporeal, yet it seemed that I could reach out and stroke his scraggly white beard. He spoke, but I could not understand; whether it was some ancient language that I have not yet come across in my studies or my mind playing tricks I do not know. He had an air of haste about him, almost as if he was urging me to do something… I focussed and went deeper into the dream.
Darkness - for what felt like hours. Then… light. The brightest light I had ever seen: starlight. Hundreds upon hundreds of stars appeared before me, intricantly connected and resonating with power. Of course! Many tomes from the wizard’s ruined tower spoke of the divining powers of the stars, how generations of mages had sought to harness their power to alter fate… This must be what Bogbeard was compelling me to do - find my path through the stars.
As soon as I awoke I hurriedly scrawled the star map that was revealed to me… I swear the ink is glowing, it’s hard to tell within the light of the hearth. This map seems to hum with energy, and something within me hums alongside it.
With this map I believe that my ancestor Bogbeard can directly guide my hand to my destiny, whatever that may be. asd

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  1. Journal entry 2 - from the dark and mouldy Axeholm barracks
  2. Journal entry 1 - first night in Phandalin