13 Oktarna 1061 AE

Character Backstory - Saranthas

by Saranthas Moonbow

Born: 20 Færthan 936 AE
Unknown Fey Eledrin City - aprox 125years ago
Raised in Ithilien - a Gray Elf city in the Vardian Mountain valley regions
Biological Parents - Unknown
Found by Step Father in Temple of Sehanine Moonbow
Raised by:
Father: Rael Caphaxath, Chaotic Good Elf Cleric (Sehanine Moonbow) High Priest. Your relationship is friendly. He is alive and well
Mother: Elama Caphaxath, Chaotic Good Elf Ranger - Missing - Presumed Dead
Saranthas was 120 years old when his mother went missing
Trained under Aerister Ath Quessir for 50 years as a librarian and historical researcher at main Library in Ithilien - Sage training
Graduated top of class from Elven High University - History, Law and Language.
Entered Elven School of Magic at Ithilien
Social Life:
Best friend was an elvish noble named Chas-El-Barrien - Spent spare time drinking with him, playing practical jokes
Professional Life:
Librarian and historical researcher at main Library in Ithilien
Seeks individual recognition beyond family name Seek out information on mothers fate
Seeks knowledge in regards to his Eledrin ancestry
Left Behind
Great Wealth and prestige
High Status House of Caphaxath Father & Mother
Individual recognition outside of family name (does not use real last name to keep some anonymity
Saranthas was born in the fey elven conclave in the deep wooded valleys of the mountain nation of Vardia.
Saranthas follows Selûne, goddess of the moon & Sehanine Moonbow, elf goddess of the moon. Who he suspects are the same entity. and not divine
He was adopted into a noble family . He lived free of worries until he was about 120 years old when his mother Elama disappeared while on an "adventure"
Saranthas trained with a Wizard of great renown, but left the school to search for information on his mothers disappearance.
Saranthas is currently on a trading mission to retrieve a book for his father

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  1. The Beginning
    13 Oktarna 1061 AE
  2. Character Backstory - Saranthas
    13 Oktarna 1061 AE
  3. The Elven Tablets