"...Oyu dowlu ont elbevie hwta ujts edhepanp, Leah!"
I... I got promoted to officer.
I, along with Akhana Nari of Navigations have been promoted to the Officer position! I am now the Officer for the HTML Wanderpus' Research & Development department. I am surprised I was given the promotion in all honesty, and was recommended for it by Officer Vanderbilt! I am not sure if I'm the best for the job, but I'll do my best, that much is certain!
To be honest, I'm both excited, and terrified. One the one hand, that they feel I should become an officer, it's such an honor! But at the same time, now I'm worried. I don't want to disappoint them. I need to double my efforts, do my best to make sure these projects make proper progress, that these upgrades to the submarine, our tools, and the like work correctly out on the field. It will be tough... Daunting, even... But I'll need to be up to the task. A Cog in the machine must not rust, lest the machine fall to ruin.
R&D Officer Levon.... That's gonna take some getting used to.