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Fri 24th Feb 2023 07:41

fuyuko story untile now

by Fuyuko

a couple of day ago keiko ask fuyuko to go and help a girl name alice in aremore the goal is to help her around with her invention and report back to keiko once in a while. Unlike what they where thinking fuyuko grow closer to alice during the many day she spend helping her and her alignement start to become more vague for her as she not sur if she would follow the revolution order anymore if it include going again alice in any way or shape.
some day later alice and an enderien name Moore aske fuyuko about her creatore fuyuko wasnt realy able to answer them and went for the first time again an order (the order being to not go to that house) and walk to virk so they could visite the house for some bether answer. there they found many book telling them about the creator daugther name phoenix and about her creation the frost golem that will eventualy became fuyuko. but as they where gonna discover the true hiding in a secret room she ran away as for the first time fear took over her.
ever since that day fuyuko been having weird spike of emotion she dont know much about them she try to keep her self neutral since she find it easier but she know she cant ignore it. unfortunatly a rather big talk with Rekker got her emotion acting up and with anger she end up cracking her gem by accident, while the gem break a girl name phoenix was in control lost and confuse she was able to have a smal discusion with Rekker and alice befor the gem was able to heal back and fuyuko came back.
now fuyuko have some time a red eye that show up and decide to leave aremore for a while to take some time to think about her self and what realy it all mean. she also wish to find out who she should listen to again if she should keep following the revolution or stay with alice, once in virk she talk with first Burrol a truffle men that leave around the town of virk who specialise in potion making and after that talk with keiko. after her talk with keiko this one ask her to go with him back to aremore to make sure her relation with alice was alrigth and so that keiko could talk with rekker at the same time.
once in aremore Ranger was the first to greet the two of them and after explaining to her who keiko was she told fuyuko that alice move away for a while because of all the recent even this put fuyuko in a worry state and imediatly ranger propose to go and walk to ephyrae so fuyuko could atleas talk with alice and explaine her self.
Once the talk with keiko and rekker was donne ranger fuyuko and ramsworth start on the journey to go to ephyrae following rekker direction they losse them self a little bit causing them to arive a loth lather then what they should have but once they made it there anyway. once there a little moth name leaf great them and gave them a tour of the town in hope of finding the home of Moore where alice was curently believe to be staying. and after a while of searching it was alice her self that they found and it gave way to a discution that end up in alice saying that she need time away and leaving fuyuko in the market place crying for the first time in her life.
Back in aremore fuyuko decide to stay in alice home and keep her farm running untile she decide to comme back but phoenix had other plan due to her own powerfull emotion fuyuko gem crack again and left place to phoenix who didnt lose a single second and start bunkering her self up in alice house breaking all the entry and covering the ground in wire fence, fast enaugh ranger and rekker got alice to comme back and there start a game of catching phoenix. after some time they manage to talk her out of being agressive and end up being able to talk with her. But it was ranger coment on love and Moore sudent cofession to both fuyuko and alice that end up being that last string needed to bring fuyuko back. and once back with a smal talk about what it all mean Alice Fuyuko and Moore decide to start as a polygame couple.
rigth after that alice decide to come back to her home to mostly fix what phoenix had broken but also help fuyuko around with emotion since it was mostly new to her and well love was new to both of them. But it couldnt stayt quiete for long and after some time and reflexion rekker find out that phoenix was someone relate to his past. his former best friend who he knew by the name of kyle (phoenix was her first name kyle her middle name). Ass it ocure Phoenix was most of the time in a bad mood since wanever she would apear alice and other would constaly watch her to make sure she wasnt a danger and out anger she en up puting her self and fuyuko in danger by going again one of the specifique instruction left by the creator or phoenix mom that say to name bring her in the room she was created, by doing that fuyuko got trapped and the gem almost broke leaving only phoenix to be able to interact for a while it made some friction between alice and phoenix to a point where she was temporerly kick out of alice place untile fuyuko back. and when fuyuko came back it. when fuyuko came back she had forgoten a little be about the past few day and found her self sitting on the ground with alice next to her.

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  1. fuyuko story untile now