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Sun 4th Apr 2021 01:01

Les Stoodius: Field Journal #3

by Wayde Les Stoodius

Burnside. The party's reunited! We got into town last night and headed straight to the Fyre Festival. It turned out that the first night had just started, so we joined in the merriment. Pure chaos ensued... more later.
Right! Before I forget though, there seems to be a pattern in Bobbo's book of nursemaid's tales. There was a pattern poking through and although it took me a while, I realized what it was! The big letters at the start of each paragraph line give a collection of letters that - when rearranged - result in phrases!
1) When the universes were all but smoke
2) and stars only grains
3) in the darkness he awoke
4) order and creation he disdains
5) from chaos his power gains
6) So was born Therysdune
7) destruction the only thing his heart contains
8) Beware the enigma moon
I've only done the first ten pages so far, but given that there's a few more pages left, it looks like there's more to this story.
Therysdune though. That name appears again... Must talk to the Captain.
How I wish how Mr. Tok'ka was around! I hope his task with the innkeeper is bearing fruit... Maybe we can compare notes one day?