12th of Embermonth, 1319

A Storm of Memories: Reflections in the Whisper Wood

by Marcellus Valerius

By the gods, what a whirlwind of emotions. Seeing her again, after all these years... Lavinia Pontius. It hit me like a damned bolt of lightning. Memories I tried so hard to bury surged to the surface, and I lost myself in a torrent of rage.
I couldn't help it, you know? All that pain, all that loss... It all came rushing back. I thought she and that bodyguard of hers were out to get me. I wanted to tear her apart, to make her feel a fraction of the suffering I endured. But then, in the midst of that maddening rage, she spoke those words.
Catarina. My sister. Alive.
How could it be? For years, I believed I was the last Valerius standing, the sole survivor of that cursed night. But now, I'm not alone in this cruel world. My sister lives, somewhere out there, and I can't help but feel a glimmer of hope.
Everything's turned upside down since we set foot in the Whisper Wood. We found that druid, Tog, but he's dead now. He didn't make it, and we couldn't save him. It's a harsh reminder of how fragile life can be, how quickly everything can crumble.
The others... Vassalis, Allesandra, Ash... They're with me, even after my outburst. I don't deserve their loyalty, not after the way I acted. But they're here, by my side, and I'll be damned if I let my past swallow us all.
We've got a lot ahead of us. This forest holds secrets, and I can't shake the feeling that we're just scratching the surface of something far greater. I don't know what lies beyond these trees, but I won't let the past cripple me anymore.
Time to face the present, to fight for what's left of my family, and to find my sister. No matter what darkness lurks ahead, we'll face it together.

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  1. First Time Journaling
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  5. A Storm of Memories: Reflections in the Whisper Wood
    12th of Embermonth, 1319