16th of Flamerule, 1486

"Ruins, Revelations, and the Road to Greenest"

by Assistant Professor Conrad Quillwright

Day 1:
Arrived near Greenest today, en route to possibly uncover what happened to Professor Eilron Silverquill and my excavation team. My journey here is a mix of trepidation and hope, with the weight of their disappearances heavy on my mind. Just before sunset, I stumbled upon old castle ruins erupting in chaos. Two figures (or was it three?) scrambled out moments before its collapse. Their exit seemed desperate, as if the very ground beneath them was betraying their trust.
Upon closer inspection, the duo consisted of a half-orc warrior and a hooded elf, possibly shadar-kai. Initially suspicious, I managed to connect with them, learning of a third elf member. The tales they shared! Almost unbelievable if I hadn't witnessed the ruins collapse myself. They're sticking around in hope that their missing comrade, Gawainel, might yet emerge. Tomorrow, we're to Greenest together – always safer in numbers. Feels good to be part of a team again.
Day 2:
Shared my purpose of visiting Greenest with my new companions. I'm perhaps not the most charismatic, but I've a knack for reading people, and this group seems genuine.
Day 3:
The sight of Greenest from a hill was alarming. The town was under siege, with a dragon casting shadows and fire. As we approached, a wounded man named Tam Minog sought our help. I did what I could, summoning those goodberries the druid taught me about.
It's perplexing – our wood elf companion keeps disappearing. As we ventured down, we encountered a trio of kobolds and an ambush drake attacking a house. The half-orc, with his massive battleaxe, and Tristain with his arcane energy, dealt significant damage. I tried assisting with my fire motes, but achieved only minimal effect. Mysteriously, arrows began striking from the house's roof – that elusive wood elf!
Later, we saved a family from a group of kidnapper kobolds. That nimble elf? Climbing a roof again.
We snuck into the besieged keep of Greenest via a sewer grate. After dealing with some pesky rats, we met Drake Nagus, a wizard, who introduced us to Escobert the Red (yes, he had a red beard) and Governor Nighthill, among others. They sought our aid to reach a temple harboring town refugees. The temple was under the care of Eadyan Falconmoon, a Chauntea priest.
Closer inspection of the menacing dragon revealed it might be Lennithon, known to hail from the mountains.
Night faded into dawn as we ambushed foes trying to burn down the temple. The crew's prowess was evident. Grok, in his fierce might, Tristain's eerie teleportation, and the elf's lightning speed. I unleashed Fyren, my fiery spirit companion, in the fray.
As we battled inside and outside the temple, we suffered a single townsperson's loss but managed to thwart the attackers. I’ve taken a peculiar mask and sword from a cultist leader to research later.
Upon our return to the keep, it seems our duties here aren't done.
Eilron, where in the world are you?

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  1. "Ruins, Revelations, and the Road to Greenest"
    16th of Flamerule, 1486