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3770 PA

Dont mess with my little brother

by Oliver

Oliver is thrown into the cell he leaps forward with a snarl as the cage doors are closed. He throws his whole weight into smashing the bars with his quarter staff. They should've shattered, but before the quarter staff could reach the bars, Oliver was bowled over by one of his inmates. Oliver immediately rolled over ontop of then pinning them down.
"Let them go."
Oliver stopped hissing spitting and snarling and he turned to what he assumed was the ringleader of this cell.
"He was only trying to stop you from making a terrible mistake."
The ringleader walked over to the bars and
Nocked on them. "Ether steel. Your staff would've shattered. And that's the only weapon we have."
Oliver nodded he got off the kid he'd shoved over.
"Sorry kid."
The man frowned rubbing his throat. He coughed and signed "im 50."
"Well I'm 2 thousand you're basically a child to Me. My names Oliver-" He cuts off as someone is dragged past their cell.
"Taru!" Oliver rushes to the bars "Taru! Can you hear Me are you ok?!"
The guards shove an electric stick through the bars to get Oliver to back off.
Oliver growls.
"It's no use. We're all stuck here" mutters the ringleader
Oliver rubs his head trying to think a way out of this. He cant just dole out blood blindness cus most of the guards have visors. Taru must be gagged. Which means he's probably chained up. Oliver growled at the thought of them hurting Taru. Taru was like a younger brother or a son to Oliver.
Taru is yanked into veiw. With one of the electric sticks pointed at him.
One of the guards asked for his staff.
Oliver understood immediately. If he refused they'd torture Taru.
Oliver reached out and summoned his staff to his side. He handed it through the bars, "be nice to it."
"It's going to the woodchipper" laughed one of the guards.
Oliver ignored him, "Taru are you alright?"
Taru pointed to his gag and shook his head.
Oliver nodded "its gonna hurt for a while, but don't worry, ppickles and I will get u out of this."
One of the guards shoved an electric stick through again. This time Oliver sidestepped it and broke it. Grabbing the broken bit with the electric end. Then grabbing the non electric part the guard was still holding onto with a suprised look on his face and yanking him forward. He got a blast of electricity right in the face. The other guards went to attack Taru but Oliver chucked the electric bit like a spear. It squared one on the neck. Oliver summoned his staff. It flew past the last guard knocking him on the head, he went down, probably some head trauma.
Everyone was staring at him. He'd taken out 3 guards without leaving his cell. "Taru quickly! Hand me the keys! Taru fumbled with the guards belt. And got the keys out and unlocked the cage. Oliver stepped out pleased with the result of the interaction. "You." He said pointing to the two guys in the cell behind him. "What's your names?"
"I'm swan, this is Chris." Said the ringleader. "He's mute"
Oliver nodded, "well cmon then, I will permit you to come with me if you agree to value Tarus life over anyone else in this group."
They blinked "uh is he important or-?"
Oliver glared "he's important to me, are you coming or should I leave you with electricity burns like these two guards."
They quickly stuttered out their agreement. Oliver hated to use fear to get people to help but sometimes it was necessary. Taru was blushing furiously. "That's not necessary, Oliver really-"
Oliver put up a hand, "shut."
Taru fell silent. Oliver picked up the guard who was coming round still with an electric burn on his neck. Oliver ripped off the visor and gave them blood blindness. "You will protect Taru" He pointed at Taru so they knew who he was talking about "and the rest of us but mainly Taru from harm."
Most vampires couldn't do more than a one word simple command with their blood blindness. Even then it usually gave them splitting headaches, even then! They could only do it to humans. Oliver had no such worries he had practiced for 2 thousand years, it paid off.
Oliver took the lead with Swan right behind him Taru in the center, and the guard and Chris taking the rear. Oliver was a vampire pirate prince. A father of 3. And older brother to 12. You did not mess with his kids.

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  2. Dont mess with my little brother
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