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Day of trapping the Seer, II

Life and Death

by Ander Windrriver

After my waking nightmare, we made it to the center of the city. We arrived to Kara’s parents and friend holding the ward open to allow passage out of the city. They were prepared to switch the ward off to trap the Seer and allow us to teleport with Laeral. I drank two potions and received healing from Sorry and felt much improved since I was on death's door.
We observed the mobs of mind controlled peasants to tear apart the injured and dead to devour them. Kara and I worked to evacuate as many civilians as possible while Ralmevik and Fenris set up traps to slow the mobs. The few soldiers who died in their armor appeared to rise from the dead. The reanimated bodies of the Mortal Sword and the Destrient appeared in our midst as the mobs began to circle the amphitheater.
I felt torn every time I watched a mob encircle an ally. I felt torn fighting the men who I had just seen commanding the Grey Swords. I knew the inevitable destruction and horror that I would watch if I did not intervene. I killed innocent people being puppeted by the Seer. I want to save them. I don’t want them to die. There is no difference between them and the people of this city aside from geographic circumstance and time. Six of these mobs came and we slaughtered them all. Every spell I cast pained and damaged me. I was no longer of use after we murdered the sixth mob.
Kara stayed to assist in evacuation and the river crossing as possible. The rest of us teleported out with Laeral.
I immediately went to work to find out about the Seer’s blade and the runes on the blade.
The blade is called Dragnipur. It was used in the Chaining of the Chained God by Bahamut. Laeral and Arlingvain were present at the Chaining. The chaining was a gathering of Ascendants and gods joined together to bind the Crippled God to the world and then excised the area from it. Quarantining him and his miasma of chaos into its own demiplane. Many ascendants and gods were shatterd, scarred, or otherwise changed from this process.

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  1. Waking Nightmare
    The day of the attempt to trap the Seer
  2. Life and Death
    Day of trapping the Seer, II
  3. Reading before Moot of Dragons
    Departing for Dragon Moot
  4. Huh?