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Tue 3rd May 2022 09:41

copy pasted backstory from google doc

by Cirtcele Legna
Cirtcele Legna was born to rich parents in a city as a woman. His parents were an Aasimar and a High Elf, thus lowering the angelic blood within him and giving him elf-like traits. They were both wizards, and so Cirtcele was to go to a magic college to learn the magic ways. In college, Cirtcele noticed that the men of the college were often seen as more powerful, and so one of the first things Cirtcele learned were transmutations and illusions to pass as a man, in order to be seen as very powerful. While in college, he met the love of his life, Wendy Thomas. After they both graduated, they got married. However, after a few years of a happy life, Wendy came down with a strange magical illness. The city clerics were unable to help, and so Cirtcele took it upon himself to travel the lands and adventure in search of a cure. He never found the cure, and Wendy died before he got the chance to say goodbye. Cirtcele became a depressed drifter for a while, before coming across a group who were trying to complete a ritual to save the world. Cirtcele decided to partake in the ritual, as he had nothing left to live for in this world.
Cirtcele Legna awoke on a ship in the middle of a storm, reverted to a more feminine form due to the loss of spellcasting memories allowing him to alter his form. He was very confused, but the confusion was swapped for pain as he was immediately struck by lightning and killed. Days later, but only moments from his perspective, a second bolt of lightning hit his beached corpse, and he was resurrected with lightning powers and bluish skin. Cirtcele called out to the skies, seeing if whoever or whatever did this would hear, but he was given no response. Seeing no other possible explanation, Cirtcele concluded that this was the work of a god and set out on a holy mission, though what the mission actually was and who the god was Cirtcele did not know.
LETTER INFO: Letter to you, short but honest, why you have this big memory gap, Cirtcele taught the construct about love and loss.
The thinker is a member of the 7 daughters of something, rulers of another continent in other world. Signed by Thinker, a wizard construct created by an artificer. Very little life exp.
(above info about Thinker beside their name is OOC)
“Cirtcele. You came to us in a depressive state, a drifter without purpose. And yet, you were able to summon the will to do something about your pain, to forget and move on from your lost lover. You told me about her, but I will not give details so as not to foil your goal of forgetting it. You taught me about love and the pointlessness of existence without it. About how a single life can change everything. You should love yourself, for you have done great things, and changed fate with the life you led. Carry yourself with confidence in the new world that your lost memories created. I do not fully understand your logic, how a loss of memories can be seen as a boon instead of a sacrifice, but will think on what you told me.” - Thinker
His vision of himself is that of a dashing prince, rather than a hypermasculine manly man. Elven standards of masculinity, so still a bit flowery. So he’ll still look somewhat similar after he gets the Magic Transition Juice (probably a ring of Alter Self). Basically just magic top surgery.

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  1. copy pasted backstory from google doc