Drinks and Dreams by Riot | World Anvil

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8/9th Sypheros 998 YK

Drinks and Dreams

by Riot Saito

Late 8th, early 9th of Sypheros, 998 yk
I swear, drinks never effected me the way some of them do here in Millmire. Hi, journal. Successfully made it to Millmire on Ashon. A nice city, so far. But, I guess the biggest thing I'd like to get off my chest is a dream that was caused, either by my attraction to this human, or a drink, or both. Let's be honest, it was both. Ruelle Lamastel, a noble here in Millmire. She.. is someone I met in another city. A smart cleric of Sune who wishes to be a master herbologist. She has a twin sister, Camielle.
Rue and Cam. Two people I'd like to keep in my life. I've only known them a short while, but... I'm drawn to them. There are other friends, Bruz, Iris, Therella, Jerard, Iraeon, and Ambarosa. As well as some acquaintances, Marduke, Rakir, Prix, and Nikolai. I'll come back to Nikolai.
The dream, I'm sorry, I'm a little all over the place. I had this drink at a brothel, called Moan and Rapture. And it lead to an intimate dream, between me and Rue. And I had a hard time shaking the images and feelings it left me with. There is no doubt I'm attracted to her, but.. something is holding me back. Respect. Civility. Human decency - something Hyena refuses to understand. I'm also sure it's a volatile mixture of everything I've mentioned that has lead me to have this irrational loathing for some pompous noble I met here. Some pretty boy drow, Omaryn. I've spoken, maybe, ten words to him, but every fiber of my being wants to choke him out. And I'm s'posed to go to some big wig party with him and the people I've mentioned. Fuckin' shoot me. But it's fine. I'm getting new clothes, a taste of the high life, and a fun night with my friends.
Now, back to Nikolai. Some human kid that might be acting bigger than his britches. The kid just seemed.... so prickly. Any kind of help you offered, he spat in you face, then wanted you to apologize. He also might be involved more than he tried to let on with this murder investigation I'm in on with a couple of friends. Oh, an investigation sponsored by Omaryn. Again, shoot me. I'm still to look into another club and hopefully, it gives us a good, solid lead. So far, I've got shots in the dark and hunches. I have pursued bigger threats on less, so I'm not too worried. Still, there's the danger.
I'm still all over the place. Anyway, to wrap up my words: I think I've got a deep crush on Rue, I want to hang out with Cam more, and I need to find a permanent place to live. And hopefully, I don't piss off too many nobles in my wake.
Oyasumi, journal.

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  1. Drinks and Dreams
    8/9th Sypheros 998 YK
  2. Just One Word
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