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Sun 7th Jun 2020 01:24

Days 3-4

by Malkin Blakefield

*Actually posted on Sat Jun 6th 2020
Day 3
Just finished talking with Lady Alice Nortell about how I could become an emu nigu.
Told Jordan and Cromwell everything.
They reassured me.
We said goodbye to Eadmund, who decided to stay in the village.
It turns out he's a couple of months older than the rest of us and not in danger.
He made us tons of baked goods for our journey.
We got our animals from the stable, and set off with Lady Nortell and Lord Sparrowsong to
leave the village.
Our way was blocked by "guards" - they killed 2 actual guards before we got to the gate,
then blocked our way. One of them (the leader) was the one who attacked Cromwell the night before.
He said they will get paid handsomely for turning us in.
They wouldn't let us through.
Jordan shot an arrow at the leader and hit him in the shoulder, through his armor!
Cromwell demoralized the leader so well that it damages all of them a point!
I hit him with an arrow in his same shoulder! Now it's hard for him to shoot his bow.
Lord Sparrowsong makes visible waves in the air by clanging his swords together.
He kills 3 of the shield guys who were blocking the archers!
Lady Nortell waves her staff around her. She gives them one last chance to put down their weapons. They refused.
After her magic, the guys guarding the leader are rattled - they give up and say "he made us do it!" about the leader, and put their bows down.
The final guy takes the leader's arms behind his back and brings him over to Lady Nortell.
Lord Sparrowsong ties up the archers who gave up.
It turns out they were Greya's disciples, the evil one.
They had generic pictures of us.
They killed real guards and took their clothes.
The other real guards came and thanked us for our help.
I tried to grab a dagger off one of the dead guy's legs as they carried them by, but failed.
We leave Mountains Crossing and take the road that goes NE.
Lord Sparrowsong tells us that Greya is a force, not a person. That it is trying to break free, and if it succeeds, it will ruin the world.
Lady Nortell says the dark one is looking for children our age, and that people will serve it for immortality.
We enter Alnor Naza after 2 hours.
After 8 hours we're halfway between Mountains Crossing and Two Spires.
We set up camp and start eating.
When I ask, Lady N says we're going to start practicing magic soon. She says it is the universe.
Lord S takes Cromwell and Jordan to practice swordmanship. It's an adventure.
Lady N takes me to practice magic. We sit down on the ground, facing each other.
She pulls out and lights a candle between us.
She says the air is made of a tapestry of cosmic energy.
I brought my journal to take notes.
With her instructions, on my 3rd try I put out the candle!
She says focus is the key when trying to use the Source.
She has me practice for the rest of the evening.
Jordan and Cromwell get better at their swordsmanship forms.
The next morning, Lord S has French toast made when we get up. Yum!
Day 4
We hit the road, and headed North before hitting Two Spires.
Something seems wrong.
We go the direction that Jordan doesn't feel danger is coming from (there's only 1!).
Lady N does something that makes the noises we want to hear louder. It looks like waves in water to me (a shimmer to Jordan and Cromwell).
We heard the same sounds as we did when we first got attacked.

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  1. Days 3-4