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Dust in the Wind

by Gideon Hastings

Following the harrowing battle with water and ice elementals, we found ourselves in desperate need of a solution to bring our fallen comrade, Haldir, back from the clutches of death. While Ellis sought to ease tensions among the crew, I reached out to Baram using Garreth's voice through the sending stone. Baram, initially puzzled, soon agreed to help us, directing us to Pan's Precious Peaches in Esmeltaran.
As we attended to the bodies of our fallen friends, I led a solemn funeral rite, paying our respects to those who had sacrificed themselves for our cause. Ellis, in his compassionate nature, lent his healing touch to Finegan and Aldin, the latter of whom bore the insignia of the Cowled Wizards. Suspicion hung in the air, but a swift exchange of a crystal ensured our secrets remained safe, at least for now.
Aldin inquired about Haldir's fate, and our explanation of family wishes bought us the time we needed to recover and repair our ship. As the crew reassembled, we managed to persuade them of the necessity for this brief respite, much to Aldin's chagrin. Meanwhile, Mavros and Ellis deliberated over the fate of our newcomers, and Ellis took it upon himself to converse with Aldin.
In their discussion, Ellis uncovered that Necrom was aware of our predicament and awaited our arrival. Suspicion continued to mount, and the revelation that Aldin possessed knowledge of the undead only deepened our concerns. Still, amidst the tension, Ellis found solace in the promise of apple pie.
I, on the other hand, seized an opportunity for a clandestine confrontation with the Cowled Wizard. Armed with my divine blessings and the power of my hexblade's curse, I launched a surprise attack. My strikes found their mark, yet my foe retaliated with a devastating disintegration spell that reduced me to dust. But not before arrows from the crow's nest ended the wizard's life, casting him into the depths of the ocean, where his secrets were buried forever.

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  1. Internal Conflict
  2. The Letter
  3. Unbound
  4. The Handler
  5. Unbound Waters
  6. Alliances on the High Seas
  7. The Chains That Bind
  8. Archdruids and Demon Lords
  9. Torches and Icicles
  10. Dust in the Wind