April 2, 1969 by Aurelia | World Anvil

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April 2, 1969

by Aurelia Reid

April 2, 1969

Yesterday Blake owed me a a trip to the zoo. Three nights ago, he was supposed to watch a samurai movie with me. Last week he promised that we could go for a drive out to the beach. I'm sick and tired of him flaking on me, making up stupid excuses about how a bunch of work came up unexpectedly or how he couldn't help being suddenly busy. I'm almost positive that he's still just sidelining me so he can do whatever he wants. He still puts off our plans when he brings girls home. It's like I'm not even here. It's like he doesn't even consider anything that I want to do valid. He's just so frustrating! And every time he does this he always makes the same promise, "Sorry kid, I'll make it up to you! Sorry Ari, next time for sure. Whoops, my bad Aurelia. I'll make this right, promise!" And he never does.
Well, I today I found out how he's going to make it up to me. When I was walking to Eastwood park today I passed by Millikan High School and saw a banner attached to their fence. It turns out there's a youth water polo club that practices at the school! That's not even 10 minutes walk from here! Not just that, but the banner said that they have teams for girls ages 8+. I REALLY want to join. I haven't gotten to really hang out with any friends in ages, not since I moved, really. So It would be really great to get to play with some other girls. They had a phone number on it so I called them and talked to Coach Trin who told me that I'd need a parent to sign me up. I told them I didn't have parents and they said my uncle would do fine. But it costs money, like I think a lot of money. She said it was something like 25 pounds every month. I think that's a lot. But that's where Blake comes in.
Blake owes me a favour, a pretty big one at this point. So I'm going to offer to let him off the hook and pretend like everything's cool. In exchange he has to call the lady and sign my forms and let me do this. I think he's going to. I don't think he wants me around the house sulking all the time, so this is kind of a win-win. Except for the 25 pounds, he just loses that. When he gets home I'm going to go ask him and I won't leave him alone until he says yes, even if it takes all night.
HE DID IT! I'm going to start day after tomorrow! I need to go out and get a new swimsuit, and a new swim cap, and goggles maybe. Oh Merlin I'm so excited! Surprisingly, it didn't take much work to convince him. I told him I wanted to do it and that it would cost 25 pounds and he just said, "Okay cooool." and that was that. He signed the papers and wrote me a check to give to the coach on Friday. This is going to be so much fun! Tomorrow I'm going to walk to the sports store, the big one, and I'm going to get everything and a water bottle and fins. No, wait, I don't think they wear fins in Water Polo. Okay yeah no fins, but everything else. It's going to be so much fun!!! Oh, the club is called Oracle WPC (water polo club), and technically I'll be joining their 10U team. I hope everyone's nice. What should I bring? Do people bring things to team practices? I want everyone to like me, so I should bring something, right? Or maybe you're just supposed to show up... Ugghhh this is impossible, I'm going to ask Blake.
Never ask Blake anything, he's an idiot. He thinks that I was supposed to bring liquor hidden in a water bottle because that's what all the quidditch players did when he was at Hogwarts. I'm never listening to him again on anything.

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  1. Number 9 Whorlton Rd
    September 24, 1968
  2. April 2, 1969
  3. September 2, 1971
    September 2, 1971