Session V - In war, as in party planning... by Shosuro Genjiro | World Anvil

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Session V - In war, as in party planning...

by Shosuro Genjiro

-20th of Hare, 1157-

Consider the list of invitations as we head towards Toshi no Naishou. As we ponder the poetry competition, several consider the idea that the mythology of the local tribes could be close to blasphemy for some of the standard imperial points of view. Decide to have three prizes - one overall most moving, one specific to Naishou, and one spiritual. The reward recommendations for the poetry contests are priority in the selection of housing within Toshi no Naishou, if the poets so choose (with the best choices being at the top level, but all in the Samurai district). If the winners have no interest in moving, then they can either pass that reward to another of their choice, or they can be given a minor political favor of similar influence. That would include negotiating with the other towns for housing, if they wanted.

Talk about the invitees from the Clans. We have a good feel for who is who of the delegations, and we know how to invite the taisa and their command staff from the armies. We all agree to extend invitations to all the local samurai. Will have a 250 head count dinner at the governor's manor, and the rest of the samurai invited to a festival in the Samurai quarter. We would be short on servants, serving ware, and cook ware for the 250 headcount at the governor's manor. Considering headcount, consider allowing the clans 8 major clans and the minor clans each invite up to 10 headcount, making for a maximum of 90. We word the invitation in such a way that excluding the taisa from the invitation would be dishonorable for the three clans with armies in the province. Invite the local ronin to the festival, 5 or so, and the other 65 local samurai to the dinner. 12 of Ansho's party, the magistrate and his wife, 5 yoriki with 1 wife, and ask Konomi to send representatives of the Imperial legion, capped at 10. Max 26 for Imperial representation.

For the samurai quarter, the 150 other samurai that came with the delegations, as well as the other Clan samurai not invited to the dinner. Also allow the armies to each extend 50 invites to the soldiers of the 4 legions for the festival, 50 for the Phoenix.

Agree on sending out resources to the major settlements for festivals for the local, non-samurai caste. Also consider a festival for samurai not officially in the invite for dinner at the governor's manor. A week before the Imperial held ball, funding and supplies would be provided to the 12 largest settlements to have smaller festivals for the locals, in whatever fashion the local leaders think reflect the local’s idea of a good festival. Considering a military strike by any party on this ball would signify much larger problems in the empire that Genjiro believes are currently afoot, if Konomi (our Imperial legion Taisa) will agree, small detachments of our imperial samurai (at least 3 to 5) should go with the messengers delivering the invitations and escorting whatever supplies / funds are provided for these. In addition, those samurai will be pleased to wait and escort any guests back for the Toshi no Naisho imperial held festival.

Extra logistics. We will need to bolster the count of the guards and assistants helping polish blades surrendered when going into the governor's manor. We discuss having check points at the main entrances of Toshi no Naishou, including both the north and south docks during the festival. Will also have to look at getting support for the stables. Probably have entertainers brought in as well. In the decoration, make sure something from the three native tribes should probably be represented in the decorations.

We'll deal with the shenanigans of seating after we have RSVPs, aiming for 8 seat tables as the ideal.

Arrive in Toshi no Naishou that evening.

Deliver our recommendations to Ansho-sama, who seems pleased with the plan (including letting Konomi decide whether she sends herself or not). He'll write out the proclamation tonight and arrange the legionnaire to deliver the kits for the festivals. He will announce tomorrow where he wants the different clan legions moved to, with the Lion staying in Sujuu Mura, the Crane move to Moko Mura, and the Scorpion near Shizu Mura. He also intends to leave the governor of Koso Mura in place. Also tells if we need any help for the setup of the festival, bring it to him.

-21th of Hare, 1157-

A full night's sleep! Two weeks until the festival.

Next morning, think we should probably write the invitations in local paper / ink. Several folks identify that the best sellers are Taro, the best local paper merchant in Toshi no Naisho, Chuko, the best ink provider in Toshi no Naishou, and Nanami, best wax merchant. We will also need to identify the invitations which are best written by Ansho directly, or just stamped. He would want to do the 10 major invites at the least, as well as the acting Phoenix head of Toshi no Naishou and governor of Koso Mura, the Jade Magistrate, the local Otomo, the local Miya (and his sons). The rest we'll write. There will also be messages for the taisa to send their 50 troops to the festival, as well as the proclamation for the city announcement.

Considering the other logistics on the additional staff, serving ware, assistance for the polishers, room for the extra swords, servants to help with the horses, etc - several of us agree on the numbers we need. We learn the largest pottery seller in town, Kokuro. We talk with Obaasan about the additional staff, and she agrees with the numbers and has recommendations on how to recruit them for the evening. Also agree on the quantities of the food - regional fish in the lakes, muscles in the lakes, game birds all across the province, unique apples in the Taru mountains, apricots in the valley, steamed dishes and dumpling wrapped in leaves, mushrooms from the omikura forest, sake, plum wine, apple cordial, and different chefs. What to wear - silk made in Naishou province, tailors in Naishou, etc. 3 tailors in Toshi no Naishou - Akashi, elderly tailor, Shou, middle-aged, Rena, leading influence in local style. Tailor in Koso Mura, Itsuki.

Sou doesn't think he should acquire any of the servants or goods. Also in paranoid considerations, with the hustle and bustle going about, there could be a good opportunity to have nefarious actions going on.

Today, Chiyoko goes to acquire paper, Taka and Haunda go to acquire ink, Genjiro will acquire wax, and Sou and Kazue will work on wording for the notes for Ansho to write, the rest of the missives for those coming to the governor's manor, the city announcement, and the missive for the taisa's.

Taka, Kazui, and Haundo go and speak with Chuko. Says the best inks are made here in the Nobu valley, and she can supply the quantity. Taka and Kazui agree on the type, and get the highest quality ink for all the invitations. Pay what is asked. Success!

Chiyoko goes to meet Taro. He knows about paper, but has little of it since its made in the Kawa forrest, and traded in Koso Mura. Price seems high to her, triple the price, but purchases his high quality for Ansho's invitations and some durable paper for the city announcements. Will have to look elsewhere for the rest of the invitations.

Genjiro goes to meet Nanami (40s, pretty, spends a lot of time outside), who started as a bee-keeper, and has a monopoly on the best waxes in the valley. Genjiro agrees with the quality and price she's asking, so purchases. Genjiro also asks her about suggestions on the local honey, and she has a number of suggestions.

Sou works on the primary invitations for Ansho to write. Adds in the headcount, the theme, the local focus, and Sou works in an emphasis on the stewardship of the land. Next, he writes the invite to the Imperial legion. Then the letters to the governor of Koso Mura and the acting head of the Phoenix in Toshi no Naishou.

Group reconvenes at lunch. Paper is the most pressing issue (ha!), since if we left on horse now, we would get to Koso Mura around midnight. Discuss what else would be needed in Koso Mura. Paper, a blessing from the Shintao, entertainers... possibly food and attire. Also might contact Moshi Masako (if there) and Iuchi Lassat about presenting at the festival, with formal invitations going later. Would have to go off to a village on the way to invite Doji Takozawa. Also contact the chef, Otsu, in Koso Mura about building the menu / assembling a team. Take 6 to 8 troops with to escort the paper back, escort a message on resources back from the contacts in Koso Mura, and have two to four left for other messaging.

Plan is to send Chiyoko, Kazue, and bodyguards will go immediately with 6 soldiers. Taka and Haunda will follow, to Koso Mura along with 2 soldiers, after Yukika (dragging Sou), Akemi, Taka, and Iamiko look at kimonos from Rena. Ansho chooses to go with Takashi, as will Kano and his wife, as will Haunda. Genjiro and Junko will get an outfit from Shou. Sou and Genjiro will work on cooking ware, local entertainment (Geisha and Noh), a gallery display for the artists, and start interviewing servants.

Rena is happy for the business, happy to meet everyone, slightly sad that Haunda isn't getting one there. About 6 koku per kimono. Haunda goes to Takeshi's for fitting, very professional, 4 koku per kimono. Genjiro and Junko go to Shou's. Also professional, has the colors we're looking for. 5 koku per kimono. Each case, they should be ready in a week.

Genjiro and Junko, after fitting, go check on some cooking ware. Meet Kokoro, who is assisted by her two sons and daughters, with the largest crockery selection. Does not have stuff to match the palace, but quality stuff and some stuff from elsewhere in the province. When she hears of the quantity that we're looking for, she won't be able to acquire the stuff that the palace is looking for in quantity. She's got enough for about 150 seats of different styles; 16 from the forest, 16 from the mountain, 16 from Koso Mura. She explains with some regret that its been a challenge to stock those styles over the last two years; there have been trade disputes with Koso Mura. Mix that in with the Nobu valley, then she has enough if we do a mixed Naishou them for the tables. She quotes what Genjiro sounds like a high price, but purchase it considering the difficulties with supplies.

Sou and Yukika go to the Noh theater to attend a show; mixed samurai and heimen, but different entrances and exits. Both agree it was a skilled and moving performance. Meet up with the head of the theater, compliment him, and invite to perform at the governor's for the festival. Sou gets the feeling he is sincerely grateful for the compliments, but not as sincere about the invite since he'd likely need to get approval from the Crane leader's in the province's permission first. Sou's opinion is just that he's not interested in the job. Sou makes sure he understands the delicate nature of the request. Jottei seems to believe its his duty now to carry for, though it's clear to Sou that he's not interested. Sou also notices the arrangement, and Jottei mentions his sister did it, both trained in the Kakita artisan school. Sou offers that they do the arrangements instead, so he invites his sister over. Sou praises the subtleties of the ikebana, drawing her into conversation, with the subtext that this is something he wants to showcase at the ball, gauging her interest. Oh boy, is she! She is quick to agree, happy to learn more about what would be required. 6 to 8 arrangements in the court would probably be what would be needed.

Genjiro and Junko go to the Geisha house to gauge some of the talent, listen to them perform. The exterior of this house is very plain, unlike most he's seen. Right on the shore of the river. However, the interior is pure opulence. The madam, Kikuko, greets us very quickly, greeting us by name. 7 private rooms, 7 geisha, no more, no less. Apprentices in training at all times. Tells this history. Suzuko is the most saught after, followed by Hichihiko. Kikuko wants to know what he's looking for, so Genjiro asks for a lovely singing voice. It's her opinion that Hichihiko has the best voice, but all are lovely. Hichihiko is occupied tonight, but will be available tomorrow, so schedule her. Suzuku is booked for two weeks. Fourth girl, Hanako, is skilled; Junko thinks she's about a 5k3. Also plays the shamisen, and is better at that then singing. With Suzuku being booked until the festival, mentions to Kikuko that if Suzuku's customer cacncels for the festival, then we would be interested in having her for the festival.