A Checklist by Davynn | World Anvil

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Tue 23rd Jul 2019 07:17

A Checklist

by Davynn

[X] Eomose the Builder - I liked that puzzle it was neat
[X]nevermind[X ] Ytta the Serene - done, and also she was nice
[X] Adnali Evenspire - mean, but also pretty awesome in a butt-kicking badass lady kind of way
[X] Llynraavi of Quor - technically didn't see her but pretty sure it was her
[X] Hlofrun and Cyphele - on one hand, the coolest shit we've ever done. On the other hand, the hardest scariest thing we've ever done
[X] Eyneris of Pelgett - hee hee, sworded :D
[X] Nuza d'Obosa - wqdpojjrrfopjewfpojpfjpojwef I hate you