Wherever Violet ended up after the shared experiences of herself and the other adventurers in the Barker House...
She sleeps fitfully, soaked in sweat, and muttering. Eventually she gives up and goes to make some tea. She rubs her puffy eyes as she waits on the kettle to boil, and sits down at the table with a groan. Real or not, the hazards in that hells-damned house still affected her. The physical pain she can live with, and stand. An old friend to distract her from much more painful wounds. Of never being acknowledged or praised. Being sent to boarding school in a strange country. Being cut off from financial support when she inevitably failed out of university. The shrill whistle of the kettle interrupts her dark ruminations. No more. She was going to perform not under her harlequin mask and pseudonym, but as Violet Villeneuve, daughter of Vivian and Coppletop. She won't be afraid of what they might think. She will be proud of herself, and what she's accomplished. Maybe some day they might even notice her accomplishments.