We made our way to the endless spring season town of Myriandor, learning most people here follow the forces Arcorar the spirit of the forest and Mirgah the deep maiden. The town is full of mostly druids and the like. We met with the council and learned there are druidic circles that follow the Celtic Parthenon, which sent us on a mission outside of town. We found several mysterious books, one of which seemed very ornate and arcane in nature., and we were attacked by cultists shortly after finding them. Going down the stairs, we found a large prophesy tablet depicting the fall and return if the gods along with the odd occurrence of travelers coming from different times and dimensions. There are two pieced missing within the tablet, between the disappearance and reappearance of the gods. While in this dungeon, I found a lovely necklace the color of gold that makes my tracks appear backwards, and found a potion of sorts, which caused me to gain bark like skin and making me feel stronger. After battling many cultists, we encountered an angel-like creature with wings appearing oil covered. This creature was holding tablets made of stone, muttering about how 'this would solve everything' and speaking about returning it to Hell. This fallen angel, previously known as Azazel prior to his fall (but nicknamed Coal by Rael), had agreed to explain this tablet (which was called The Gravestone of Decay) ,and take us to Olympus to receive the chisel and hammer that would allow us to use this tablet. Just before traveling planes, the druid we were traveling with interacted with a sigil on the wall across the room, unleashing a very large wolf.