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Wed 17th Feb 2021 05:55

Beadle in Starfall

by Beadle Bygrub

Met a group of adventurers (Ruby, Igor, and Leroy) on there way out to Starfall and joined them in an effort to make some money off of the rich ore out in the area. While prospecting we found a couple of orcs digging and investigating what seemed to be some long forgotten ruins. After watching them for a while we approached the remaining orc and said that we would go in an look for his friend. Below we found an ancient study or library of sorts. The orc had seemingly been killed by weapons but no foes were in sight. Using my incredible magics we were able to grab the tablet only to summon half a dozen armed and angry skeleton warriors! The aristocratic warrior Ruby Shadowsfall pulled me from the clutches of death but took several terrible wounds as we made our escape. Igor and Leroy took up supportive positions at the rear and began firing with great ferocity. Through a combination of skill, cunning, strength, and grit we were able to defeat the creatures and secure the tablet of infinite wisdom, though I feared studying it further in these dark and dilapidated ruins. As we rested in the library we investigated and found two books of an unknown language, two spell scrolls (silent image and jump), a small pouch of 10 gp, and the tablet itself.
Returning to the surface we managed to give the remaining orc the slip and made our way to a large chunk of superheated ore. Within the ore was a suit of animated armor and his blade. Defeating this foe we were able to salvage pieces of armor which seemed to be made of a high quality platinum. With some basic salvaging we also found 8 large pieces of the ore we had originally been looking for valued at 25 gp a chunk. selling off what we had found and splitting it we each made 87.5 gp though I gave 80 of my gp to igor to purchase the two spell scrolls he had found. I will also try and get the tablet identified while in town.

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  1. Beadle in Starfall