Mon 14th Mar 2022 10:53

Fight, Die, Repeat

by Zeal

I had never expected to survive that trip into the Abyss. We fought tooth and nail for every inch as I watched my comrades, the few beings I considered worthy of my company, ripped to shreds around me. Rightfully, they threw themselves between myself and the Demons but I can't stop but infuriated by such a waste. If not for those Narzugon traitors, those pathetic excuses for soldiers who swear themselves to the King of Greed, maybe it would all have been worth it. Just the thought makes me ill, it makes me want to rip at my own flesh. Anything to get my vengeance...
Yet sat on a cold slab of stone, the memories of my own death clawing deep into my mind. I know these memories have long since become a thing of the past. Avernus speaks to me, telling me of the time that I have been gone. I know those Narzugon have perished. I know my men are decimated. My vengeance was taken from me at the hands of those I aspire to overcome. Why must Zariel be so greedy? Why must she enact the vengeance that was so rightfully mine? As I stared at the ceiling of the desolate crypt, my rage continued to simmer. The cold clack of ancient armor broke the silence as I felt a presence approaching. Looking down at me is the familiar, gaunt, and decaying face of Olanthius. While I do not take the sentiment of others, I have a fondness for the immortal death knight. Someday I hope to be worthy to overcome someone of his ilk, a general of the glorious Zariel!
"Arise, foul child," Olanthius spat at me. "You are needed on the field, an assignment befitting someone... like you awaits out there."
I arose from the slab, stretching my aching body. I felt the ghostly pain of my dying blows echo throughout my being. I knew that I bore more scars than the last time, only death does not scare the body after all.
"What has changed, dear Olanthius? What have I missed during my time away."
Olanthius stares at me coldly and gives me no answer, gesturing expectantly at the exit. I gave him a formal salute, don the basic clothing set out for me, and headed out the door. I felt the death knight's eyes track my every movement. I paused in the entryway and turn back to Olanthius a sly grin upon my face.

Continue reading...

  1. Fight, Die, Repeat
  2. My Kingdom For A Horse