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29th of Second Seed 446IIE

Mid Day Skirmish in the River

by High Priest of Psilofyr Malark Tallstag

Mushroom Medic Shiplog: 29th of Second Seed 446IIE - River In the Depths of the Underdark
Morning: Found some parchment inside of a run down mill. I decided I'm going to start a log of sorts to catalog my adventures with my new friends. Good nights sleep last night. Lots of tasty mushrooms in this area. I'm excited for this new day with my new friends. We've been traveling down the river and we spent the night in a lovely moldy Mill. Psilofyr likes my friends and he says I should keep with them, and that they'll lead me to the promised land of rolling spores.
Midday: Just got done fighting the silly fishy folk and wonder upon wonders I was slain in battle and wonder upon wonders I was reborn for the second time in my short life! I was revived by the French maiden who mutters unpleasantness. I must be a knight for two patrons now. Psilofyr and Folke I must further the deeds and spread the good word of the french shrooms.

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  1. Mid Day Skirmish in the River
    29th of Second Seed 446IIE