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Tue 29th Mar 2022 06:16

Perfidious Orders

by Webmaster Infantry Enderal Oussana

Penned on coarse paper in an unrefined hand are the thoughts of one Enderal Oussana. A bladesman. A deadly, efficient, and reliable soldier.

Following Orders of Betrayal...

I cannot begin to say I have dealt with the emotions that are broiling inside me.
We have been preparing for an assault. We were told that the next moves we made were going to be instrumental in determining the outcome of the rest of the conflict between House Khalylan and House Temorea; though things were going well. We have the Webmistress Dinantar Godetyl on our side. With a tactician like her, we are all but invincible.
Imagine my shock when our orders finally came through, after we were already enroute... That we were movong against House T'sarran, our most reliable, trusted, and powerful ally in this whole bloody endeavor. And we aren't just moving against them, no. We are to eradicate them. Remove every last noble-blooded T'sarran.
I'm still struggling through this, trying to make heads from tails. These are comrades and friends. Our betrayal is unprovoked. I cannot see what purpose or aims this accomplishes; are our leaders really so heartless? I'd always thought them better than that...
When I've raised concerns with those I trust most with my... insecurities in the 3rd Platoon, I've been met with disbelief and shock. These men, my friends, cannot even fathom questioning orders. Not when they come from our genious-mind of a commander. Our lives are almost ensured when in her company...
It's just that... This is wrong! It is all wrong. But to speak up... wouldn't be without consequence. To desert? That's about as sure a death request as any...


A Bound Rogue

Another oddity did happen today, after we entered the sewers. Sure there were strange mutant-like creatures, over-sized rats, and unsavory, hostile bottom-dwellers. But no, we found a gentleman who called himself Vanauth Darnruel. Whether or not that is his true name, I do not know.
Orzza was first to spot him. Apparently, our mission was covert enough that this poor bloke's rotten luck landed him in the wrong place at the wrong time. He fell upon our path... and his knowledge about our presence appeared to have warrant the appearance of the Webmistress herself.
Poor fool. The Webmistress gave him no choice; he would fight with us and destroy House T'sarran. Or he would be destroyed.


The Extermination Begins

Turns out this Vanauth is an impeccable shot with a bow. Not that we are competing, or have even really gotten into the meat of the conflict (we just barely crossed over into T'sarran jurisdiction), but between Vanauth's arrows and my blade, we have scored almost half of the platoon's kills.
We destroyed the first T'sarran sentries. I can't... I can't help but feel that what we are doing is wrong. I felt so... Cold. The worst part? They won't even see us coming. House T'sarran won't stand a chance...

Continue reading...

  1. Perfidious Orders
  2. A Dangerous Misstep