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Wed 26th Jul 2023 11:54

The Noxul Church

by Tick

  • On the Road from Midrest:

  • Recovered now from the hasty exit from Midrest. On the road to Midrest. Oddest thing happened the other night; I slept. Haven't done that in a few years. Not even sure it was sleep per se. Had an interesting conversation while I was out- Man, oddly dressed, striped pants and jacket, and a strange neckerchief. Seems like they are linked to the whole not breathing thing, although were apparently surprised to see me still, well, un-living after the Fireball incident. I wonder what their agenda is?
  • The Road to Daruhl Crossing

  • Talked our way out of a fight on the road, then saw an odd stranger with a remarkably large sword walk into, through and out of it, leaving the bandits in pieces. Picked up a map and decided to head to an old church on the way to Midrest.
  • The Church, Evening

  • Church looks like one of those Keonin things. Full of old mechanisms and such. Met Sana, another traveler. Seems odd, but friendly. I'd like to get to know her. She cast our fates with the old Keonin Gods. I asked Thybris if I can trust the oddly dressed man in my dreams, and was read Weal. Sana warned me about being open about my... condition and told me praying to Thybris was reckless.
  • The Church, Morning

  • Sana is an inquisitor. She was gone at dawn. We found a body, in the basement, tortured. Looks like that's where the bones she cast came from. I should be more careful who I trust in future.

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