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Ayre grew up in the small town of Trelsean, in the northern part of the Kingdom of Furyondy. His family was the only elven family in a town of humans. The children were often cruel to Ayre, who was outwardly different from the rest, but he had a quick wit, a sharp tongue and could make the other’s laugh. Ayre’s parents were not cruel, but neither were they affectionate. They were sharp and focused, always cautious. If he did something wrong, he would be punished with hours of silent meditation. For a child growing up among human children, he picked up some of their less favorable traits, and was not well-suited for sitting still for long periods. He was an anxious and curious little elf, and his mind wandered. His father tried to teach him woodwork, but Ayre was always looking out the window daydreaming. And so, he was punished, again and again.
At the age of 14 he ran away from home with a half-elf bard named Hefron Softsong. As a child, he revered the bards that traveled through his small town, and thought they were praised everywhere they went. He sought fame and glory, and wished to be adored by the masses. However, Ayre soon learned that life was hard on the road. He also learned that Hefron was more of a thief than an honest minstrel. Hefron forced Ayre to lie and steal. Ayre thought about running away, but he knew there was no way for him to survive alone in the world with no trade. And returning to his family was just too shameful.
Granted, even when struggling to earn coin (be it legal or illegal), the bard did teach Ayre how to play the Lyre and the Whistlecane. They traveled all throughout Furyondy, to cities such as Chendl, Highfolk, Free Borough, Dyers and the numerous towns and villages inbetween. Ayre did what he had to in order to get by, but it seemed that Hefron’s greed and wicked ways were growing over time.
One day, a few adventurers recruited Hefron and Ayre for a job. Hefron was hired to support a knight and a wizard while they got rid of a band of goblins hiding out in some underground ruins (while Ayre was told to wait outside). Ayre quickly grew impatient, and went in about 20 minutes later. He tried to follow the path of the adventurers, but went down a different corridor, ending up on a landing 30 feet higher than the party. He hid and watched as the wizard and the knight were aggressively attacking a large group of goblins, while Hefron cowardly hid in the back. When the wizard fell, it became obvious they were losing and Hefron ran away, leaving the fighter to alone. Ayre turned around and headed back the way he came. Near the entrance, he could see Hefron fighting several goblins down the tunnel, blocking the exit. He had to make a choice... the fighter was clanging away in one direction, and Hefron was in the other. Ayre turned and ran down the hall toward the fighter. The knight was on the ground, bloodied and battered, his sword lying out of reach. Bodies of goblins were strewn about, and standing over him was a large goblin brute. Instinctually, the little elf pulled out his pipe and began to create a string of dancing lights (something he had seen Hefron do, but was never able to do himself). The brute quickly turned around with a snarling face and Ayre stopped his song, frozen in fear. During that brief pause, the knight had recovered his sword and drove it into the brute’s side. As the brute fell, Ayre rushed to the injured fighter and handed him a potion, then quickly told the knight about the goblins at the entrance. The knight rose to his feet and fearlessly ran in that direction. Hefron lay on the ground as they arrived, and the knight ran through the remaining goblins. When it was all done, the knight cursed Hefron's still body. Ayre, who disliked his master, still felt a pang of sadness. As he looked at his dead form, a rush of guilt came over him, and then despair. The bard with the only future he had known, and now everything was uncertain. He picked up his master’s lute and walked to the horses. The knight appeared a little while later with a string of goblin ears tied to his belt.
The knight thanked and praised the young boy, and told him his name was Archebal Gerol (or “Arch” for short). After burying the wizard and collecting the reward from town, he offered to take the boy home. Ayre was going to protest, but had no other options. A week later, they arrived on the outskirts of Trelsean, only to find his family’s house a burned husk of timbers and scorched stone. News was, the town was attacked by a group of orcs flying Iuz’s flag, with black hands painted on their chests. Ayre was devastated and had nothing left. Arch said he was going to get supplies, and left the boy with the horses. The boy pulled out the lute and began to play a somber song of lose. People started to gather around, some who he recognized when he lived there. They listened intently. When the song was over, many of the faces were wet with tears, and Ayre had a small pile of coins infront of him (he was so focused on his song, that he hadn’t even noticed who placed them there). A young girl, no more than 5 years old ran up to him with wide eyes. She gave him a soft smile and handed him a flower. From that moment on, all he wanted to do was make people smile and forget their grief. He still has that flower (dried and pressed).
The knight took Ayre away from the town, promising to take the boy to Free Borough. During their journey, Ayre entertained the knight with songs and stories. The knight was impressed with the kids musical aptitude, considering his age. He kept saying that he owed Ayre and would make sure he was taken care of. In the city of Free Borough, the knight passed Ayre onto an old tavernkeeper. Helga Burrows was a motherly figure, who was kind but stern when she needed to be (Ayre later learned that Helga was Arch’s mother, and was happy to help Ayre since he had saved her son’s life). Ayre worked at the Whistling Wyvern tavern as best he could, but always did best when entertaining the crowd.
A year later Arch returned and told the boy to come with him. He said that he still owed the boy. He had just finished a big job and had some funds, so he was going to do right by the child. Ayre was brought to the bard college of Fochlucan, just south of Dyvers on the edge of Gnarly Woods. Archebal Gerol became his sponsor.
When Ayre was a child in Trelsean, he has memories of his parent’s fighting. He remembers little about their disputes, but vaguely remembers mentions of the Kindgom of Celene, “fleeing” and the need to find “somewhere safe.” When he thinks back to his parents, he always thinks it was odd they settled in Trelsean since it was so near the waring kingdom of Iuz.
His family was the only elven family in town. He always thought he looked like his parents, since they shared many racial features (thin, sharp facial features, pointy ears). Granted, the only elves he knew as a child were his parents. Later in life, as he met more of his kind, he began to realize that he didn’t resemble his parents at all.
Fenri & Dal Quikalyn – Parents – Assumed Dead???
Archebal Gerol – Fighter – Location:Traveler
Helga Burrows – Tavernkeeper – Free Boroughs, Furyondy
Hefron SoftSong – Bard – Location:Unknown – Left for dead. Possibly alive???
Furyondy (all over) – Traveled as a bard
Furyondy (NE) – Trelsean – Home Town
Furyondy (Central) – Free Borough – Whistling Wyvern Tavern
Furyondy (S) – Fochlucan – Bard college south of Dyvers
Orcs – Black Hand Tribe

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  1. History of Ayre Quikalyn