Session 1 by Gul | World Anvil

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March 28, 996

Session 1

by Gul

Left Brahir with Beck, the cat woman called Flower, the great teacher who draws magic shapes, and the younger wolf.
Journey to Scale Gate uneventful. It is a place humans do not belong, but in their foolishness remain. Of course there is sickness. When I arrived, it was told that they are celebrating the traditions of the lizardmen who used to nest where they now live. I do not understand this.
These humans make games of survival, fighting great swamp lizards and teaching their young to steal eggs. The feats and challenges they perform all involve some form of trickery or handicap; the pole to climb is oiled, the lizard is penned and cannot ambush, the footrace allows for opponents to fight, the boxing is a contest of who can land a number of slaps the quickest. They even poison a great amount of their food and have a contest to see who can eat the most. What waste.
Spoke to a dwarf woman after the challenges. She said that this sickness is strange. It is not strange. It is the swamp taking vengeance for the hubris and waste of these people. After more talking, we were attacked by many opponents who sought to steal the humans away.
We fought. I can do better than I did in this contest. The bright woman tore through the enemy, fighting well like her sister. The loxodon teacher held against a dangerous group of foes, using his great size. The one called Flower shot true, felling many people with a single arrow and drawing upon the spirits of the wild. Beck broke easily. I must teach her that water can be hard.

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  1. Session 1
    March 28, 996