Sun 7th May 2023 12:54

Just Passing Through

by Ruby Cloudwhistle

We run into a strange little girl who seems to be some kind of seer. She shook my hand, and she was able to see my past - or future. I was also able to see... something. She was connected by a long thread to others who seemed to be related to her. The thread seemed to end with a woman who very much looks like the vampire Strahd...
The girl, Arabelle, brings us to her father Lugash at her camp. The party has apparently rescued her in the past. We are invited to sit and eat. Taroka deck; I see Reila studying in a huge library, going through book after book.... or is it my Uncle Tarkas? I ask her about the Library.
This time, in addition to Reila and my Uncle, we see a... Lich? The timeline is jumbled together. We start to zoom out from the library, to a temple, inside a mountain. The mountain seems to be to the South.

Continue reading...

  1. Just Passing Through
  2. The Tavern
  3. Vallaski Continued
  4. The Gala