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Sun 13th Sep 2020 11:07

Thoughts and Aspirations

by Adam Watchmaker (Mordenkainen)

So it was we came to fight but were only bashed down a notch, I can't believe Vulpes had had gotten that far. Many days I have spent thinking about the complex relationship between him me and Lavender. I feared interfering in the politics of that relationship might bring her great harm, as the balance of such things can be quite fickle, it's difficult to predict what kind of effect it might have if i were to burst into that. I also spent many nights thinking about what might happen if she was anywhere near me, whatever I like it or not I am one of the most dangerous persons to be near in this world. I don't have many enemies as such but there is still plenty of people looking for a way to hurt me, and by extension then her.
I do not expect her to understand why I could be so cold to her. Out here however, with the new infomation I have found, things are able to change Vulpes is not really there anymore and his expedition is a perfect excuse to officially declare him dead. I am certain Lavender does not want anything to do with him and it is understandable.
Sadly I am so busy trying to save what I can, I see that Gerald is much more liable to help us, I think informing him and using his network could greatly enhance our effectiveness in saving the world, and even though we might have different goals it is also his world and it is in his best interest to keep it alive. There is not much to rule in a dead kingdom, then again we don't really know what he wants but it is not a material plane ruled by an ooze lord, if he had wanted to destroy the world I'm sure he would have with all his contacts and influence. Influencing the group to go take out bigger targets is the first step to using their tremendous power in a better way, their ethical reasoning and carefulness is questionable but directed to the right targets their destructive power in a way that might make the entire difference.

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  1. In the End
  2. Too many
  3. Thoughts and Aspirations
  4. 01