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Sat 24th Apr 2021 10:38

Backstory Questions

by Olympia

Where was the Character Born?
Who are their parents?
Opal and Roy Watson, Roy is a blacksmith and Opal is a homemaker. While she has parents she was really raised by a lot of town folk to prepare her for being a hero.
Are the parents/family still alive?
As far as she is aware her parents are alive
What was your character doing before the adventuring life?
She was being trained for adventuring. When her human parents gave birth to an aasimar they believed she was destined to be a hero so she has been trained since she was very young to adventure. This idea was reinforced by her celestial guide Rhamiel who’s messages are hard for Olympia to interpret since they are relatively vague so she assumes her guide is pushing her in the same direction as her parents.
Why did your character leave their previous life?
She left her previous life because she was as prepared as the people in her town could make her. She has been traveling for about a year doing any jobs she deems as helpful or “good”.
What did your character leave behind?
She left behind a town that has unrealistically high hopes for her and because of this has left her with imposter syndrome and depression. She doesn’t have a very strong connection to her hometowne because she didn’t form a lot of emotional relationships with the people around her. She didn’t have any friends her own age and adults just focused on training her, not necessarily being her friend.
What does your character want? (motivations)
Olympia does not actually have a lot of wants of her own. She has always been told what she will do so she doesn’t have a strong sense of self and doesn’t know herself well at all. She has been told she will be a hero so that is what she is trying to be. However since she has been raised on stories for bravery and self sacrifice she also doesn’t have a sense for self preservation. As a result of this upbringing she believes the only way she can be rid of the expectations and rest is to die a hero. This has led to her always putting others before herself to the point of almost dying to save others very frequently. Her motivations are basically to live out the life she was raised to but is hoping she will live out that whole legacy sooner rather than later.

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  1. Backstory Questions