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Tue 13th Apr 2021 12:14

Dear Ser Farunar

by Zevra Kagsry

I have delivered your message to his Majesty the king. I am honored that you would allow me to participate in the knights tournament on your behalf, I will not disappoint you. However my return to Westcliff will be delayed as his Majesty has tasked me with dealing with a newly arisen problem. I will withhold specifics as they would not be safe in this letter. But it seems the Relta Wood is growing hostile. I do not know how long I will be delayed, but I have the feeling this will not be a quick mission.
On a more casual tone, I hope things are well in Westcliff. And I hope your leg is healing well. Please remember to be careful, as it will not heal right if you keep putting strain on it. If I return home to find you've be neglecting to properly care for your wound, and as a result have made it worse, I shall have no choice but to tie you to your bed in order to make you stay put and rest. I might be your squire but we both know I am physically capable of restraining you if necessary, and an injured leg will only make it easier for me to do so.
I hope to wrap things up, and come home as soon as possible. Until then don't do anything reckless while I am away.
Respectfully, your Squire
Zevra Kagsry

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  1. Dear Ser Farunar