I've made the decision this morning to accept the job offer from this Order of the Blue Rose. Mercenary work seems a fitting retirement, far better than the managerial bore of the Barony forced upon me after my service. I am to rendezvous with a crew on the planet Blue; to find and extract one Sycca Kawavi. She is alleged to have murdered her husband, an executive of GeDeCo, and absconded with company property. I suspect very little effort was put into her plan, but I will know more when I arrive at her last known location.
My dear wife Rachel Ducal of the Ducal imperial line, the one bright spot following my resignation as Colonel in the Star Marines, wished to attend me on my "charming adventure". I love her and her enthusiasm, however my coffers are running very dry at the moment. As endearing and determined as she is, the mounting medical bills for cloned and cybernetic replacements are quite burdensome. In a social, artistic, or bureaucratic setting she is peerless - however her magnetic personality in a conflict seems to draw shot and sword with equal ease as she attracts a retinue in high society.
Despite her many injuries, often from lingering too long at the outset or making naïve choices after, she fascinated with battle. In that sense we are kindred spirits. I think had the circumstance of her birth had been different, we might have served together in the star marines. She has been less accident prone as of late. The off-hand comparison I had made between sight reading sheet music for an orchestral performance and improvising to hide mistakes seems to have resonated. At any rate, when I told her the average temperature of Blue she quickly lost all interest in accompanying me, just as I had hoped she would. I will send for her after assessing my employer.