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Wed 1st Feb 2023 09:28

Ballad of the Bear vol4

by Dolph

[this page is written in a looping mess with several letter illegible due to Dolph's recent poison bite]
Catching up on a few days we've been super busy.
The North is crazy, they have fish on the land AND IN THE AIR!
So first off my mates and I clobbered this huge land-shark ohhh I want to see if he tastes like the salmon back home!! Then we've only just ran in to a flying eel with a wicked bite and an abundance of flesh for our supplies, didn't taste as good as the salmon back home but will do in a pinch.
Oh yeah, we were out here looking for someone!!!
We made it to the resistance HQ and you'll never believe who was there [big bears name??] himself the leader of my tribe! He's looking for some help and asked us to find a moose to recruit to the cause as part of some plan to break in to the dogs compound so that frogboy can spawn or something - my minds a bit cloudy right now-.
I picked up the trail of the moose but failed to get Half-paw [name???] to join us on the hunt, she seems a little shy I need to work on getting her out a bit more.
So yeah anyway we fight this big eel rescued on of Leonovs buddies and followed the trail of the moose till it's end. Unfortunately someone seems to have ripped him up which is a shame as he seems like a good wrestling challenge.
Oh boy im feeling a bit sick, I might need to have a little hibernation. What are we here for again? Badgers or something?
I'm sure the others have it sorted iI'l just sit down for a second.
[the entry finishes with unreadable text, a possible drawing of a flying snake, and what smells like a mix of vomit and viscera both beer and eel.]