It is clear that Lil' Rocket's defeat has caused great sorrow among the New Champions. Although I didn't know Lil' Rocket very well, it was an honor fighting alongside him whether it was in the danger room or out in the field. I hope he was able to do great damage to Destroyer's minions before he was vanished. He was a great warrior, possessing incredible speed, mighty attacks, excellent perception, exceptional versatility, and astonishing toughness. I pray that he attained enlightenment and is no longer suffering, but knowing Destroyer's resources I have my doubts and fears. I will avenge my fallen comrade, even if costs me my life- this I swear to Buddha, my ancestors, and Confucius!
The New Champions received a request for help from Division, a rebel organization that seeks to recreate the American justice system. I have mixed feelings on their goals (I remember the wrongs done by their government against my people), but the situation requires that we gather as many allies as possible. Cypher clearly was not a fan of them, and the last time I had seen him he was seething with resentment against them. After all, they had destroyed his beloved robot. He disappeared and cut off communication with his teammates, which was most unfortunate. Division blamed him for attacks against them, and asked for the team's assistance in rescuing an American politician from both Cypher and Dr. Destroyer.
I have some feelings for this man, as he was the first of the New Champions that I encountered. I've known him the longest of the group, plus his technical aptitude is a wonder to behold. I chose to accompany the superheroes on their mission, as I hoped to reason with Cypher like I had when we first encountered Division. I respect his desire for vengeance, even if now is not the time for it. Perhaps we are kindred spirits? I know I am supposed to be stoic, to refrain from emotional attachments, and to avoid anything that would compromise my duty to the Temple. Still, I wonder if my affection for him is more than the comradeship of teammates.
We traveled to a wealthy area outside of Millennium City, which was under attack by Dr. Destroyer's agents. There were resistance fighters, presumably from Division, engaging the black talons, destroids, and destroyer soldiers. I charged into the fray, knocking out a Black Talon mech pilot with a Kung Fu Flying Kick. This opened me up to retaliatory fire from the remaining Black Talons, but they failed to stun me. I then sent another agent flying in pain from a Kung Fu kick, who was finished off by Maximum Resistance. I ripped the head off of a destroid that had been weakened by Ghost's devastating passing strikes. As usual, Ghost and Maximum Resistance obliterated or disabled most of Destroyer's minions, letting me and the rest of the team to mop up the remainder. Meanwhile, the Division agents rescued the politician.
Then, I noticed that Cypher was on the scene. Lyzen had found him! And his robots helped us battle Destroyer. It seems that the attacks on Division were not his doing. He was speaking to Lyzen when suddenly a mysterious robot appeared on the scene, apparently the work of his nemesis Algorithm. Algorithm moved quickly and disabled him. Seeing my former teammate collapse and his armor destroyed, I leapt at Algorithm and struck at him with a flying kick. Unfortunately, Algorithm had a concealed barrier waiting for him- but it didn't stop it, it only slowed me down. I broke it with a Tai Ch'i joint break and struck Algorithm, but it wasn't powerful enough to break through his armor.
Then Ghost had to fly from the heavens and grab me. We could've defeated this supervillain! With her and Maximum Resistance's power, he had no chance against us! I cursed my fate as she flew me from his scene, perceiving the sights and sounds of the rest of my team fleeing the scene like cowards. I just hope that they managed to get Cypher to safety as well. I will have to ask Cypher more about this villain when he comes to. I will tell him of Dr. Yin Wu in exchange.