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Sat 21st Aug 2021 06:59

0 Session

by Danior Chergari

Lincoln doesn't speak Balok, has a gorgeous cat named Dusk, and a lot of tattoos, and does some magic. Feldwyn has a drinking problem, a large spear axe, very sneaky. Nomis is a big, boistrous guy with blond hair. All outsiders.
The rando house appeared on the side of the road, Nomis and Lincoln talked to cursed "children" at the cursed house. We wandered the house, found an animated suit of armor, did nothing to it. Nomis scratched it, then Lincoln's not-cat yelled at him and he was able to damage it further. Nomis whipped it further. Lincoln blows it up, rubs the text from inside the helmet, then blew it up.

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