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3410 PA

Floof needs a teacher

by spirit of the forest Juniper Berries Juniper

Juniper walks nervously towards the apothecary with her two children and her brother. Sun beats down furiously so Oliver wears a thick cloak to protect his sensitive skin.
She is nervous because her daughter Mist has been hoping ever since she hatched to become a healer. She trained as much as she could from the books they had in their collection. But now that she was turning ten it was time for her to be apprenticed. Icicle her twin brother was a lot easier to find a master for. He wanted to train to fight. Because of the crews line of work their were plenty of masters in the fighting areas of education.
But the crew didn't have any healers to teach Mist. For Mists birthday Juniper was determined to find her a master.
Stalacti had just finished cleaning up in the back, she wiped the sweat from her brow. Being a flutter she got a lot of prejudice, and after going to eight years of medical school the only job she could find was an assistant healer. For a flutter she was young only about 23. She was a beetle type flutter with retractable pincers round her mouth shiny rainbow wings, and antenna sprouting from her head. With her antenna she could hear the front of the apothecary open, she sighed and waited for the new clients to leave so she could talk to her boss, who was out front. She wasn't allowed to show herself in front of clients, because nobody wanted a flutter to be in a place of healing.
She heard a wail and before she could stop herself she rushed out her boss was telling a distressed mother that all the healers were busy, she would have to wait.
The mother shrieked "but she's dying! Don't you medical professionals have priorities."
Stalagti looked at the list of people bust right now, she gasped. Only one of fifteen healers were actually busy, and the one was doing a dental exam. Why had her boss lied? She glanced at the patient and realized why immediately. The kid, a little girl. Was a flutter, bee wings and little antenna waving around erratically. She rushed up, "I can help!"
The mother sobbed thanks while her boss spluttered furious protests. "You're just a cleaner girl!" He snarled
She ignored him and put pressure to the wound. After the little girl was patched up and her pulse was steady, Stalagti whirled furiously on her boss and hissed quietly, "It's one thing to treat me like garbage and use me for cleaning, but it's another to do malpractice to a child just because she has wings!"
Her boss sneered, "what would you know? You're just an insect. Now get back to the backroom before anyone sees you!"
Stalagti stormed to the backroom hoping furiously she didn't lose her job to that whole fiasco. It was a blessing she had a job at all.
"That was very kind of you," Stalagti whirled. There in the back of the room was young woman. With bright green hair, and chocolate brown skin.
She blinked, "you need to leave! If my boss finds you here he'll call the guards!"
The woman regarded her curiously, then finally said "I've got a job opportunity that requires healing prowess. You seem to be a good fit. Are you interested?"
Stalagti opened and closed her mouth gaping like a fish, "wha-whats the job?"
The woman shook her head, "you need to agree first. We pay well, and I assure you, You will be treated a lot better than you are here."
Stalagti swallowed and heard her boss calling for her from the front. She shook her head, "I- I have to go." She rushed out into the front.
After a long day of working the most horrible jobs that her boss could come up with. She kept thinking back to the woman in the back room, (who BTW disappeared by the time Stalagti went back) and about the job opportunity. She sighed, it was too late now. Stalagti creeped into her bosses office. She frowned where was he? The door closed behind her, she turned and her throat closed tight with fear. There was her boss stooping drunkenly locking the door closed, "sir?! I'm still in here?"
He chuckled now locked in a room with her, his least favorite employee, he smiled a bit, time to get recompense.
Stalagti shrieked when the first blow came, but the screeching really started when he reached to take her clothes off. She screamed and twisted and tried to get free. But it was no use.
Before she could blink her boss didn't have a head. She gasped, as blood splattered all over her. Her breathe came in short gasps, she was going into shock.
strong but thin arms picked her up and recovered her with a cloak.
Stalagti didn't care, she was reliving the boss's head flying to the other side of the room, over and over and over again.
She whimpered and looked up at the face of her, savior? Kidnapper?
All she made out was red eyes before a cloth covered her mouth, she breathed in and everything faded to black.
Juniper, was horrified when she heard what happened to the poor flutter girl. If she still didn't accept their offer of a job, Juniper would at least help her find a more healthy work environment. She'd wanted to be there for her herself, however it had been her turn to put the kids to bed, besides Oliver wanted a chance to try and talk the flutter girl into coming with them. He had been waiting outside the apothecary for the girl, when he heard her scream. Without hesitating he broke through the lock and rushed to help. He was disgusted by what he found, but not surprised, he'd dealt with this kind of person before. After cutting down the man who was sexually harassing the flutter girl, he wrapped her in his cloak and knocked her out. He carried her back to the ship and laid her in a spare bed in Mists room, Mist was ecstatic. And took good care of the flutter girl while she slept.
Stalagti awoke in comfortable clothes, in a comfortable bed. She sat up trying to remember where she was, when the events of the previous night came to her, she sat up suddenly. A young girl who was nearby yelped and dropped the tray of food she was carrying. Stalagti blinked this was not what she expected at all. The girl grabbed a towel and began cleaning up the mess on the floor, Stalagti jumped up and began helping clean, "um hi?" She asked more than said, where to start, where am I? Who are you? What happened? Who saved me? Am I in danger?
But all the questions died in her throat when she saw the woman from yesterday, with everything that happened she'd almost forgotten about the strange occurrence. She was standing in the doorway, with her arms folded, she put out her hands towards the aggravated flutter with a placating gesture, "I'm sure you've got a million questions, but for starters what's your name? Mine is Juniper, and this is my daughter Mist."
"Stalagti" said Stalagti, handing the dirty towel to Mist.

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  1. The Journal Entry’s title
  2. Floof needs a teacher
    3410 PA