Echoes of Family by Zyren | World Anvil
Just before entering Gringold Mine

Echoes of Family

by Zyren

Echo doesn't bleed... she ... doesn't bleed... it's scary, but I decided that it doesn't matter. She and Grim are still the Boss!
What are we doing? Are we really going to lead a whole town into the hands of a Guild? Even if they aren't as bad as... **the beginnings of a word are scribbled out and scribbled over, even to the point of putting a small hole in the paper**
... even if they're not as bad as where I came from, wouldn't the townsfolk rather be free? Then again, the Elves are coming for them. It's a terrible choice. Safety or Freedom. Freedom or Safety.
They've gotta choose. for themselves, but I still... the little ones ... I won't let the Dwarf and her talking rapier press them into service if it's anything like the guild I knew. I'll die stopping her, if I have to. I hope I won't have to. Despite everything, I believe this Frina. ...I don't know why I believe her. Maybe I shouldn't, but, she seemed more honest than the Bosses I knew. Maybe she will take care of these people and forge herself a clan, as she said. Maybe these Rokbyters are really like Cassandro said...
For now, the others want to explore the mine and its cursed gold. Gold that drove the mayor mad -- just by spending it, if the Dwarf is to be believed. One more thing to worry about.
Grim, Echo, Firbolg, Weezil, Silver, and Whistle are the worries that I should be focusing on. I have to keep them safe so we can all keep the rest of the town safe. Are we making a new Family? Our own Guild? A Guildless Guild? A Family without Blood?

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  1. That Went Well...?
    After Netiery Joins Gringold
  2. Echoes of Family
    Just before entering Gringold Mine
  3. The Darkness & The Dwarves