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Mon 28th Mar 2022 08:41

One day out.

by Raukovorea Lithuitar

Met with Beshmet on outskirts of the Gnome kingdom for a job, the last one that sawed-off little dickhead gave me nearly got me killed... but the gold was pretty decent. Jobs have been getting few and far between lately. He gave me a flyer some Whisker Biscuit was passing around a few weeks back; says something about looking for a group of adventurers or some shit... Don't really care for any more comradery, but a guy's got to eat... not sure what she's looking for, but so long as it pays, I'm her guy. Za'Jahad says he should be able to meet me there... 10 silver says he'll be drunk in a gutter before I even get into town. Well, he's got another day to sober up in any case.

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  1. One day out.