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Day 17 in the 4th Month of the Heron

Adventure 6 The Plan

by Atreya Trulain

Here we go with this crazy plan of ours. I am not super comfortable with the idea of being shoved in a box for a unknown amount of time but it may be our only way in to this warehouse.
We, Ro and I, go to try to buy some kind of row boat to make it out to the ships getting ready to dock in the harbor. The merchant wanted to charge us a huge over inflated price. I told him so and he didn't enjoy that so he decided 400 gold was more appropriate. I paid it just to get away from the creepy old bastard. I'm kinda broke now. Maybe I should take a job? Ro wouldn't like that much though. hmmm...
Rowing a boat is a lot harder than I thought it would be. Ro and Glen helped me get it right and it became more easy for us to actually get out to the boat. We finally make it to the point at dark to wait for ships that we can get out to. Ro and I stay at the point for 7 days with Glen bringing us food as an animal. It's funny when he changes. I've never seen anything like it.
Glen goes to check out the warehouse as a bird and finds that there is a magic barrier that prevents things from going over the top of the walls. Smart on their behalf. He does check to see if there are horn like objects in the warehouse and finds at least 50. It will take us a long time to go through all of those.
Martel and Tarn take up a watch at the docks to keep watch over the area. They did find a strange group that also seem to be watching the harbor. Tarn decides to try to run into the other group to try to find out more info on them and why they are acting so oddly. Martel uses a clever spell to try to find out what they are doing. Unfortunately he doesn't get a lot of info that they can use. Probably because these men are idiots and there isn't much you can pry from a group of dumbasses.
Finally a ship comes in during the night of the 7th day. That doesn't leave us much time to get in and out of this place with the horn. But we head out to the ship and are able to get aboard through the cannon holes. We make our way through the ship to the bottom level and get into the crates without much trouble. Once we dock they unload us and we travel inside the crates to the warehouse. Martel and Tarn follow our movements through the city.
As Martel and Tarn are leaving the dock area they notice a large ship in the harbor that is moving much faster(ramming speed). But they stay on our trail. Who knows what's going on down there. Probably someone else coming for the horn...
We are taken inside the warehouse and after it was mostly safe we escaped our crates with help of Glen. He uses a spell to locate horns inside as we head up to the second floor. There are now over 100 and from our higher vantage we can see pins inside that are full of slaves. Including the cow men. Maybe we can use them to our advantage and help them get out of here alive as well. Glen decides to try to use his spell to locate chests inside this warehouse instead of just horns. Hopefully that will help us narrow this down a little so we can get out of here quicker.
Tarn and Martel move to a better vantage point while outside the walls. Once they do they see a large group of Syndicate that is also staking out the place. They are in trouble if they are seen. I hope they are careful. Or they could just take them out. That's probably what I would do. No need to leave them if they can help it.

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  1. Adventure 6 The Plan
    Day 17 in the 4th Month of the Heron