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Thu 21st Jan 2021 09:38

September 3rd, 2020

by Dea Phillips

Dear Diary,
Been an eventful first 3 days of school. I knew Claremont was an 'exciting' school, but almost being killed on the 3rd day is a bit much. Mom, dad and Franklin really didn't do this justice. But other then that one dilemma, this has been rather close to what I expected. It was nice seeing dad. But I was looking forward to the combat simulation, I wanted to impress dad. Guess the silver lining to that whole thing is that I get to see mom every day now. But poor Franklin, will be a bit harder for him to have a secret girlfriend with mom around. Could be worst tho, dad could be our new teacher. At least Nox seems nice.
And my classmates seem nice! Well, most of them. Snazzy, Shiva and Turbo Hawk are less than pleasant. Shiva and Turbo Hawk are just bullies. They shouldn't even be here. And Turbo Hawk has a lot of nerve, saying that he's taking this seriously and that's why he's bullying Inkwell, when he spent most of our classes texting. And Snazzy, just, awful. Don't even wanna think about her.
But other than them, the other's seem nice! And I'm making friends already. My roommate Astra is really nice, and I'm looking forward to getting to know her. And Incarceratops is nice too, I hope I didn't hurt his feelings but I hope we can become friends. And I hope Glamour Girl and I can become friends, genuinely. She's really pretty and cool.

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  1. September 3rd, 2020