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Sat 18th Nov 2023 12:41

Background Story

by Liara Bloodmoon

Liara Bloodmoon
Liara Bloodmoon was born and raised in a humble village on the outskirts of civilization. The village, known for its serene beauty and peaceful way of life, was nestled amidst picturesque landscapes. However, Liara's spirited nature often led her into trouble, as she would frequently engage in gambling matches and playful contests with the village youth.
Concerned about their daughter's penchant for mischief and sensing her untapped potential, Liara's parents made a difficult decision. They sought the guidance of a wise monk from the Hands of Mercy order, known for their stoic demeanor and commitment to bringing peace to troubled lands. They believed that the structured environment and discipline of the monastic life would provide Liara with the guidance and focus she needed.
At a young age, Liara was taken under the wing of a revered monk named Master Yuan, known for his insight and wisdom. Master Yuan recognized Liara's independent spirit, innate talent, and her ability to connect with others, even in the midst of chaos. He saw great potential in her, both as a martial artist and as someone who could bridge divides.
Under Master Yuan's patient tutelage, Liara embarked on a transformative journey. She underwent rigorous training in martial arts, meditation, and the teachings of the Hands of Mercy. Gradually, she learned to channel her fiery nature into disciplined action, embracing the principles of compassion, harmony, and understanding.
Throughout her training, Liara never forgot her village roots. The clashes between the older generations and the restless youth left a lasting impression on her, fueling her determination to become a force of reconciliation. She witnessed firsthand the consequences of misunderstandings and divisions and vowed to dedicate her life to bringing people together.
Now, with her training complete, Liara, bearing the name Bloodmoon as a reminder of her fiery past, sets forth from the sanctuary of the Hands of Mercy. She ventures into the world, guided by the wisdom instilled within her. Her purpose is to seek out troubled lands, offer her assistance, and bring compassion, peace, and understanding to all she encounters.

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  1. Background Story