Plane Gate Mishap by Alexandrite | World Anvil

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11th of Penem 24

Plane Gate Mishap

by Alexandrite of the Eastern Lands

Today we went to the plane gate ceremony where apparently a big head that came through the person said there should be no gate. After communicating with professor Lin (she was the one presenting the ceremony), this was not meant to happen and she was not aware of the fact that there should be no permanent gate.
Somehow though, we got a job offer from her and agreed we would help her solve this problem of the academy. I feel like this brings me closer to my destiny, I think melody definitely gets something out of this deal although I'm not quite sure why the other 3 went along with this deal. They must have found some worth in it after all. Tomorrow we will meet up with her once again to gather more information and start the investigation into the sabotage of the Plane gate.
Tonight I will not enjoy the warm feeling of a cosy room in the Inn but instead will keep an eye on the Plane gate to make sure no suspicious figures approach it.

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  1. The Boat To Osera
    2nd of Penem 24
  2. Friends
    5th of Penem 24
  3. Plane Gate Ceremony
    10th of Penem 24
  4. Plane Gate Mishap
    11th of Penem 24