Road to Simpa by Guan | World Anvil

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Jan. 57

Road to Simpa

by Warchief Guan Dao

We just came back from a kidnapping. Thats the last time I take a job while drinking. We escaped that wretched necromancer on the outskirts of Cava. He poisoned us, I think. I feel fine to be honest. Anyways almost butcher the guy who kidnapped us then he just vanished. Hopefully we will find him and I can cut him in half! Anyways back to our road Simpa.
We lost Nak, the Aasimar and me started to track him in a forest I know little of. It all felt very foreign. We managed to find him a hard spot and pulled him out using a rope. Then we returned.
We reached Simpa, the high walls and towers greeting us afar. As we approached we noticed a board with 6 wanted posters. Our faces in them. Isala approached a local vagabond, and for a silver coin asked for information. Apparently we're heroes and we're to report to the Captain. As we tried to enter we were stopped by guards, but Benin skilfully described as servants, the bastard. As we entered the city we used our cloaks and other items to hide our resemblances. We left the cart in a side tavern. The tavern is called the Great Stop and is owned by Hospitality, with her husband behind the bar. I met Barbara, the cart-builder and agreed to the purchase of two carts.
Everyone baths, and we decide to approach the Captain by way of a transformed Calliope, as to find out if there is truly a manhunt going. Calliope goes in and meet Liutenant Esmeralda. Apparently the King of Sansi wants our help in fighting against Llerath. I'm not sure what he's asking makes any sense to me, apparently our escape in Maraga was categorised as a 'valiant fight'. Ironic, I was out of it for most.
On the way back some guard stopped me, the rest of the Company left for the pub. I returned with them and met the captain. He explained the situation, they are looking for someone to support the King in their war with Llerath. He agreed to my completing the quest we are currently on. I returned with the Liutenant pack to the pub and spoke with the team. They left to meet the captain. I won an arm wrestle with Barbara and paid 375 gold coins for a covered carriage and a cart. Theyll be ready in 6 days.
We spoke with the Captain, agreed to finish the mission and would meet him in two weeks for the city fair. We returned, and I met Barbara in my room. A true battle was had that evening. Breakfast was terrible. Still, we're here, with 6 days to go before the cart and the wharfa arrives!

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  1. Last Drink at The Stilts of Maraga
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  2. Hunting a Warfa in Maraga
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  3. Road to Simpa
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