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Wed 13th Apr 2022 03:43

The Beginning

by Biscuit Chaser

I've always loved the stories of my people, especially the story of Grizzled Boot(Grizz) and his adventures around the world in of all things, boots hahaha! Hearing the wild tails travels would tell when they came to CedarSpoke, in the Gulthmere Forest, got me wanting to travel the world. CedarSpoke is known for growing one of the spiciest peppers around. You've never felt a real body numbing fire until you've had one of our peppers... or been on the other end of a fire dragon's breath haha. Grew up chomping on them peppers, thanks to that I have a real love for spicy food. My father, Rhythmic Thumbs, had a passion for music, so naturally he wanted to pass that on. He taught me everything I know about music, though I ended up having very different tastes in music than he did. I grew up playing all kinds of musical instruments, singing and turning anything I could get my hands on into an instrument. I've always loved collecting stories, growing up entertaining merchants and mercenaries in the inns, getting a few coins on the side wasn't bad either. After enough nights with those rough fellows I have a million stories to trade back and forth. I left CedarSpoke when I turned 19 to travel the world and learn stories from all over Faerun. I left my family behind to go on my adventure, my mother Sparkles(Spark), her fur sparkled in the moonlight, Father, Little Brother Nine Cloud(Cloud), his head is always in the clouds, and Younger Twin Sister Star Freckle(Star). We always joked she'd been kissed by the stars with all her bright spots. Taking advantage of caravans and circus troupes, I was able to travel around the continent and see sites I never thought I'd see in my life. I just turned 24, so it's been 5 years on the road at this point. I've met some amazing people from all across the continent. My collection of stories has grown larger than you can imagine. Any time I hear a new story I try to write it into my story book. I want to make the largest collection of stories from around the world. It's a lofty goal, but I'd say I'm making some good progress into it. Stories aren't the only things I've been picking up. Turns out you can learn a thing or two traveling the world. I've had a few chances to pick up some tricks.
On one of my journeys I met a mischievous female Tiefling named Lwaxana... She got me into a bit of trouble, taught me a few things about getting into places I shouldn't be.
Made it a hobby of mine to start taking from the haves and giving to the have nots. She showed me what it takes to break into places and the beauty of a well thought out plan executed to perfection. Scoping out a target, taking what we need, and moving onto the next city. I try to help any fellow Tabaxi, or beast people I find along the way. There's a lot of suffering in this world...
About two years into my adventure I met my friend, Softpaw, he's my cat! Softpaw is an outdoor cat so he comes and goes as he pleases. He's always in for a heist though, a great little fluffy partner. There was this one time we broke into the Catmara, in Parnast, to steal a Lakshua(totally made this object up)(la-k-shoe-a), but Softpaw just uses it as a scratching post. Because of his size he can slip through the small gaps and open up doors, not sure how he handles the door knobs, but we're a great team. We sat there with our prize watching the sun come up that morning. He's got a real sweet tooth too, he's always kleping anything sweet on the way. He's got my back though, every once in a while I'll find a pepper or two in my bag. I've started collecting sweet's for when I see him. We've had a good run so far.
Around the same time I met softpaw I also met my buddy Leon, in the same city as Softpaw. He's the quiet type, but is always around when you need him to be. I always run into him and softpaw in the same cities, but I can never get them at the same time. He goes out to the Taverns sometimes after a rough week to let off some steam. The ladies love Leon. It wasn't until a few years later that I discovered SoftPaw and Leon were the same person.
Another year went by and I met a most troubling person, Arya! She was trying to beat me to my prize in Sundabar. It was a dazzling blood diamond, you could see your own reflection. We ended up fighting over it so much, we almost got caught by guard... ended up splitting the profits that night. We kept bumping into each other around town, getting into some trouble here and there. After a while we warmed up to each other, she has a great mind for getting into places you shouldn't be found. Eventually we started working together. She's got a troubled past to her, and makes some bad choices now and then, but I don't pry. If she ever wants to open up about it, she knows where I'm at. Everyones got their secrets, don't need me prying to add another one to her troubles. I'll be meeting up with her soon in Womford to explore some ruines. We accepted the same quest from the adventures guild, lucky me, so we'll be in a party for a bit. It'll be fun to see her again and catch up. The adventures guild mission isn't the only reason I'm making my way into the Forlorn Hills, trust me it's as creepy as it sounds. I've been given a secret mission from The Harpers...
Right, The Harpers! I should probably mention them. Everything was going good, I had made some friends, I was starting to make my way in the world. Everything was good... for a while... until about 2 years ago, when I ran into Amir, in Luskan. I'd been told a wealthy Nobleman was in possession of a magical artifact. He was known for keeping beastmen as slaves, and practicing untold horrors on them. So I took it upon myself to liberate said artifact from his possession and set him back a bit. It was going perfectly! I had the artifact in hand! And then Amir walked in. Turns out he was also after the artifact, but he wasn't just in it for a little vengeance. He was sent by an order to retrieve it. I thought I was able to get away from him, I ran as fast as I could, I doubled back, tripled back, pulled every trick in the book to get away. But the next day, BOOM! There he was standing right in front of me. He found me, easily. To my surprise, he turned out to be a really nice guy. He sat me down and talked about why he needed the artifact and that it was all a part of the bigger picture. He was impressed that I was able to get into the nobles' place so quickly. As it turns out I was just lucky, there's no way I could have beaten him on a normal day. He invited me to be a member of the Harpers. A group of people that operate in the dark to bring balance and to stop evil from rearing its evil head. He trained me a bit, and then I was sent to take the initiation. It was the hardest test of my life, but I made it through.
I play it out like it was a horrible experience and it was the end of my life of happiness. And in some ways it was. Gone were the days of adventuring for adventures sake, traveling whenever and wherever I want. I still have my freedom, but you know what they say ignorance is bliss. Once you're in The Harpers you start to see the word for what it really is. Hell, I still barely know anything, I'm still a low ranking Watcher. But in many ways it's the start of a new life. A life with a higher purpose. My actions can help save the world, even if it's only a small part. Recently they sent a message saying they want me to go and search a nearby tomb. There's been whispers of cultists gathering in the tomb and a potential spotting of one of the (CHAOS EMERALDS!!!!!!) sacred gems of Tharizdun. A long forgotten evil god, the order has sent me to investigate these rumors. I'm excited and nervous about this mission. It's the first mission that they're sending me on that's not just stealing some documents or eavesdropping on some people. If I perform well, I'll be promoted to a Harpshadow. ## In story after the completion of the mission I'll send word of our findings to the harpers. This will earn me my promotion to Harpshadow and I'll basically start the game with 3 renown.