Grolm 13, 578

Between a Bad Cow and a Rough Sheep

by Bruthazmus Kele

... Evil Sheep to the left of me, Demon cows to my right, and I'm stuck in the middle with you...
Ha! I ought to be a bard. It might be safer.
But I figured that I needed to stick with my day job, since there was demon farm animals trying to end me.
I put down, or mostly so, one off the hell sheep. Yathue flew off toward a hell sheep off causing mischief on its own. I heard it scream as she well ... ended it. Not something I want to think about, what with her being a banshee and all. If she needs to talk about it later, I'll give her a good ear to talk to.
So, I shift my route and turn for the barn... just when a damn forest springs up?
This has GOT to be from Jessie... especially since there's a clear trail right to a door. No sense turning down a well cut path. I race for the barn door. Lee Chung isn't far away. Worst part is that sound of someone shouting "I live" back in the undergrowth ... I'm not liking that one bit. But I've got a list of problems and that one is pretty far down right now.
Racing down the path, I fire a quick shot at the big demon bull prince and taunt him. My hope is to get him all turned around and distracted. He took my arrow in his back, though it sounded like me calling him out pissed him off more. Good. I get him out, I have a dumb idea.
Which of course are the best kind!
Just then he slams that big hammer down. The thing glows a nasty, vile green, screaming all the way. When it hit the ground, it burned out a good ten feet of plants around him. After that, he got ready to charge. Yep, gonna be a tough one. If the timing works out though...
The bull prince bashed his way out into the path and Lee Chung beat on him like he was tenderizing a chuck roast. Lee Chung was fast as lightning and in two moves, had that demon bull flat on his face. Even tossed one of bull prince's weapon off into the bushes.
Lee Chung said to toss the bull prince's hammer off, but I had a better idea. Or maybe it was a bad idea that might work. To be fair, I was just working from moment to moment.
I cast entangle on the prince to lash him down. Then I proceed to beat him about the head and shoulders with my tonfas while taunting the Outland hells out of him. But we needed to get him out of commission, or now that he's down and entangled for the moment, disarmed. I had the thought to hammer on that wrist to snap it or make him let go of that hammer. Either Lee Chung or I could knock it aside after that.
But the big bastard shoved his way upright after snorting fire all over me. That hurt! Bad enough he smells like a walking stench pile.
So I hit him with another entangle spell. Then I slammed him in the forked end to try and stun him into submission. I mean, I had no illusions about this fight. It was going to be hard and ugly. But I couldn't leave Miro alone with this big thug.
I stood toe to cloven hoof with him, swapping blows. My saving grace was that the bull prince only had that hammer, so I just had to concentrate on keeping that thing off of me. It meant taking that demon bull down a small piece at a time. But I was just trying to buy time for the others to get there. This was a fight that would take all of us to solve, not just me. That bull demon was way too nasty for just any one of us.
Miro pulls his sorcery together and launches a massive blast of magical lightning. Burns the hell out of the bull prince. But the damn dirty demon stays standing... though I figured by not much more than spit and wind.
The fight had gone one for so long that the enchanted 'frost fog' had covered everything. It was so thick, you couldn't see much of anything past 5 foot in front of your face. Good trick. It seemed to work both ways for the most part. But it meant that it would drag this blood bath out longer and I was starting to feel my wounds. I had an idea, maybe I could use the fog to my own advantage. Slip up and surprise them.
Them was a sheep that had climbed over the barn to stamp out my entangle spell and that bull prince. I didn't think it would take much more to finish him off. That sheep might be another thing entirely.
Just then Lee Chung moves in, avoiding the sheep but hammering the cow prince like an iron mallet. That demon prince drops like a sack of rocks. That still leaves the demon sheep... and what to do with the unconscious demon prince. Right now? It wasn't the best time to discuss it... even though the others were starting to....
We had people to get loose of this mad house. I used the fog as cover and quietly headed for the inside of the barn. Lee Chung would be able to take out the sheep. I'll let them know where I am once I get to the barn and take a look inside.

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  1. A Storm and a Half
    Vebel 29th, 578 ILC
  2. A Little Bit of Deductifyin'
    Grolm 7, 578
  3. Yonderin' About Town
    Afternoon of Grolm 7, 578
  4. Giving 'em the Ol' Run Around
    Grolm 7, 578
  5. Riding the Dark Trail
    Grolm 8, 578
  6. Showdown in Purgatory Gulch
    Grolm 8, 578
  7. Caught between a Hoof and a Hard Place
    Grolm 9, 578
  8. Rough Riding!
    Grolm 9, 578
  9. Overstaying our welcome
    Grolm 9, 578
  10. Rocky Road to Reflection
    Grolm 10, 578
  11. Right Way to a Demon Thumping
    Grolm 13, 578
  12. Bad Moo Rising
    Grolm 13, 578
  13. Between a Bad Cow and a Rough Sheep
    Grolm 13, 578
  14. Strolling Through the Demon Grass
    Grolm 13, 578
  15. Playing the Dead Man's Hand
    Grolm 13, 578
  16. Long Day At Sasparilla
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  17. Barn Storming
    Grolm 13, 578
  18. The Ol' Run Around... the Demon Ranch
    Grolm 13, 578
  19. Womping the Willow Man
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  20. Bad Day for a Bad Cow... hand...
    Grolm 13, 578